PEACE, be with YOU!

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Make the time
to take the time
to close your eyes and breathe.
- Morgan Harper Nichols

Read John 20:1-31

Peace is very important in life. When caught in the midst of chaos or problem, and you want to save yourself from being affected too much, all you have to do is breathed in and breathed out, and find your inner peace.

Study says that one of the best ways to find peace is through meditation.  Meditation means the act of spending time in quiet thought. Most people done their meditation in a secluded, quiet and relaxing place, far from street noise and concrete jungle.

But what if you are stack in a chaotic place or you're currently in time of wilderness. Is it possible to find peace in a worst place? Is it possible to find peace in a war, storm, and out of control situations?

Of course, it is!

Just imagine the eye of the storm, no matter how strong the storm is, when you are luckily in the eye of it, surely you can still find tranquility. May it be the biggest storm of all time, you could still have survived for you were in the eye of it. It may give you fear but it cannot harm you physically.

I believe, that is how God designed the storm that represents problems in life; to show us that we indeed can find peace in middle of wilderness.

People who secured their peace through earthy things such as power, wealth, status etc. would certainly lost it if those things are gone as well.

Earthly things are only temporary so we must put our peace into something that cannot be ruined, destroyed or vanished by time, disaster, chaos, sickness etc.  And that is no one, as in NO ONE ELSE can give you peace but HIM, our God.

No matter how strong, powerful, healthy, stable, wealthy you are, in just a click of fingers, they can be all gone.

Whether your problems might be a work/study/business/family related, always remind yourself that God is with you wherever you are, that is in fact the biggest reason to be at peace. God is guiding you, leading you, allowing you to feel and experience His presence and power in the midst of storm. Trust is the key.

Jesus said; 'Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God and trust also in me'. If you believe in Jesus (the Prince of Peace) and His resurrection and have accepted Him then, you must also believe in every single word written in the Bible; by that,it is guaranteed that peace is in you.

When Jesus ressurected from death. He came to His disciples and say; 'Peace be with you!.'

One of the disciples; Thomas, do not believe in what he heard that Jesus is alive, unless he see the nail marks in Jesus' hands and put his finger in it. When Jesus came again, He told  Thomas to put his finger in Him and then Thomas believed. Then Jesus said;
'because you have seen me, you have believed, blessed are those who have not seen me and yet have believe'.

If you are currently in the midst of storm, imagine God saying this to you.  Make it vivid, meditate inspite of big chaos. God is with you.

May these words be engraved  in your heart and always find peace in any kinds of situation.

ROMANS 15:33
The God of peace be with you all. Amen!


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