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I always read my writings here.
Whenever I need encouragements
and  there's no one to give me that.

And  suddenly a while ago, I asked myself..
Did I really write these?

I wonder how I was able to write such things.
Actually, just what I had written in the beginning, I wrote it for me more than anyone else. I'm having a hard time following my own advices. And I realised I was not really the one who wrote these. THESE ARE NOT MY WORDS. It is HIM.

Even when I write sad thoughts.
He will rebut my thoughts and rearrange my perspective.  And when I feel so down, I will just pick any of these writings and then I felt relieved. And even when I don't follow Him often, I still feel that He cares for me. He loves me despite my shortcomings and inequities.
I was able to survive each day
Because His word keep ringing on my mind.

I don't know how many times I read my writings. A hundred times around maybe.
It never fails to strengthen me.

So I encourage everyone to write your thoughts, I write randomly and impromptu; in traffic, at work, while eating etc.. write down even the painful ones or the happy ones.

Every pain and joy or guilt or grief etc... are all part of your progress and they all had purpose and as you write... since God's the one who created you and wired all that veins in your brain and body, He will redefine your feeling and rearrange your thoughts with His truths and promises. He will tell you exactly what you need to do and what He wants to say to you.

And you know what sometimes, once I started writing, words and verses will come out easily. Have you ever experienced that? I hope you would experienced it on your own. It's a great way to know what exactly God wants to tell you right in this moment, with the struggles you area in today. Try it out!

Credits to the Real Owner: God the supreme.  91518

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