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I will be your God throughout your lifetime - until your hair is white with age. I made you and I will care for you, I will carry you along and save you. ISAIAH 46:4

I have a constant burden of saving the world, becoming kind to human and always giving them hope. I never chose to be this way. In an alternate world, I'd rather be a rebel, a go getter, a funny free bone who can make YOLO when I have to, if I want to.  But that isn't me, THIS IS ME.

The weight of this burden is getting me stressed, and troubled and upset. Some days I feel like I am blessed and fulfilled, I am a superhero because I believe I did well today.

And some days I'm the one who needs saving.

What makes it harder is no one really did help me. I always cling to self healing, relying on an omnipotent, omnipresent God; My heavenly Father, then I get better A G A I N.

but there are days that  "self" gets so weak for constantly being strong and  choosing to be a  SUPERHERO.

Then I did realise why I come to that DAYS...
Days of feeling weak and hopeless,
and troubled , and stressed,
because on that day I'm No superhero,
on that day I have nothing else to give.

and all the days before I didn't realise that I drift away. For constantly being strong, I tried to do things my way, and I thought I'm strongER already but I was never,
I lost the source of my strength and
on that day He's on His way of saving me,
but I chose to drift away MORE
because IM HUMAN
but He is SO  strong like a magnet.
continually pulling me to His embrace.
And On that day, I finally found my rest. AGAIN. He won, He always will. TY

You cannot give what you do not have. 💕

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