Chapter 3:

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Armani's Pov,

One Month Later

I slipped out my all black outfit and throw it in the dirty clothes bin, then took of my bra and panties then hopped in the shower. I am tired af, I just came from the run I had to do with August and Chris. I'm not even going to lie August is fine asf carmel skin, with his built body and sexy ass tats. When I look into his eyes I just want to melt. Wait I'm a thug ... with a bad ass attitude, why tf am I talking about he's sexy and shit. Strictly business only. 

I have now been in the shower for 30 mins, and it's getting hot af. I stepped out the shower and wrapped a towel around my bare body. 

I walked to my drawer and pulled out my sweat pants, a white t-shirt, a bra, and panties, then sat them on my bed. I lotioned my body and pull my long hair in a sloppy bun on top of my head. I slipped on my clothes and hopped in my bed and put my peach colored IPhone 5c on my charger. I slowly started to drift asleep untill my phone went off playing my text tone 'Or Nah'. I rolled my eyes and blew out a frustrating sigh.

T E X T    M O D E :

August: Wyd turd?

Yes I gave August my phone number but, it was for STRICTLY BUSINESS ONLY.

Me: Well I was finally going to sleep until you texted me thanks alot. What do you want ?

August: I don't like your attitude you don't talk to big daddy August like that.

Me: Nigga please ! What do you want?

August: Do you want to chill tomorrow ?

I just want to go to sleep.

Me: Sureeee.... 

August: Aight I'll let you go to sleep ugly, I'll talk to you tomorrow .

Me: Whatever.

T E X T    M O D E    O V E R :

I put my phone under my pillow and fell asleep finally.



August's Pov,

Next Day 

Today Armani and I are going to chill and to be completely honest, i'm excited af. She's beautiful and has a banging ass body. The things i would do to her. She don't take shit from no one and carries herself like a lady. Unlike other girls, she doesn't shove herself onto me, and I like that about her. I can't wait till later.





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