Chapter 5:

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August Pov,

" I'm tired of yo lil attitude "

She looked up from her plate.

" Am I supposed to care ? "

I looked at her and shook my head . I got up and left her sitting there . I ain't got time for her bs .

" Wait August . . . "

I turned around and saw Armani walking behind me .

" What ? "

" What the hell is wrong with you ?"

I gave her a confused look.

" You don't care right ?"

She rolled her eyes .

" You so stuck up ."

I looked at her and busted out laughing .

" What's so funny ?"

She raised an eyebrow .

" Listen to what you just said "

" Whatever , do you still want to hangout , because I have a lot of time till I go pick up Krystal from her grandma's house "

" I guess , but who is Krystal ? "


Armani's Pov,

My eyes widened .

" She's no one "

I answered quickly . You see no one knows I have a child , only my mom. I don't want any one to find out about her either , because if I get caught up in something I don't want anyone to come after her. She's only thing I really care about .

" Why you lyin' "

" It's no one ight ... "

" If you say so "

The rest of the day we basically just chilled . August is cool people actually . I learned that he has a sister , and the death of his brother . To be honest with you , I don't know why but I feel like I can actually trust him .


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