Chapter 12:

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[ Shout out to @lelethugg for showing love and supporting . ]

Struggles Are Required In Order To Survive In Life, Because In Order To Stand Up, You Gotta Know What Falling Down Is Like .

- August Alsina

Arrmani's Pov,

3 Months Later,

I'm now 4 months pregnant and today is my appointment to find out the gender of my babies. Since the day my mom died I haven't been able to sleep and all I do is cry . I can't even eat . August dosen't even try to call me after about 4 weeks I guess he gave up on me . He dosen't even know I'm pregnant . A month after my mother died Jasmine moved in with me . She helps me out alot . I have a feeling she's pregnant because she's getting big. Krystal keeps asking for August and now she dosen't even talk to me anymore . Today will be the first time getting out the house since my mothers passing .


August's Pov,

I wonder what happen to Armani she just up in left . Did she find out about me cheating ? I can't even lie I miss her but if she dosen't want to be with me then why try to make her . I'm done trying . Yeah I'm in love with her but I don't think she feels the same way about me . But anyways the girl I cheated on her with I got her pregnant so were in a relationshipp. Her name is Jasmine. Armani and I's rerelationship was better than Me and Jasmine's but I can't keep comparing Armani to other girls . If you're wondering no I didn't cheat on her, I decided I need to grow up from my childish ways so imma try to stay faithful.


Jasmine's Pov,

If you're wonder yes I'm pregnant by August . You see Krystal's father Anthony , was mine before Armani . I was in love with him. He broke up with me and said he got a girl named Armani pregnant and I was heart broken . I never told Armani about me and him because at the time Anthony made her the happiest girl in the world . I pushed all my feelings to the side and it hurt like hell. I want to make her feel the same way I felt . Paybacks a bitch .


Armani's Pov,

I was laying in bed crying when I got some really bad cramps . I folded over holding my stomach yelling out for help . I pulled the covers off of me and I had blood in between my legs . Jasmine ran into my room with Krystal following behind her . I was crying uncontrollably.

" Call the police !"

I yelled .

" Omg Armani what's wrong ? "

Jasmine asked , I just looked at her . Did this bitch really just ask me that dumb ass question ?

" I'm fuckin bleeding out my pussy and I'm four months fuckin pregnant . Use your motherfuckin common sense jack ass ."

I wanted to slap her ass . She grabbed her phone and called the police .

" They're on there way "

She said coming back in the room .

" That's what you get Mommy for being a bitch "

Krystal said .

I started crying harder . I might loose my babies and my daughter hates me . It hurts to know my daughter even thinks that about me .

The ambulance came and took me to the hospital .



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