Chapter 4:

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Armani's Pov,

Today I'm going to hang out with August, I'm not going to lie I'm kinda excited. 

"Mommy ! Get up !"

Krystal yelled in my ear while jumping up and down on the bed.

"I'm up sugar plum"

I grabbed her by her legs and pulled  her down onto the bed and started to tickle her.

"Mommy stop !"

She yelled while laughing. I stopped and got out of bed.

"Krystal , you hungry ?"

"Yes mommy"

I smiled at  her and walked into the kitchen. 

" What do you want to eat ?"

"Fruity Pebbles"

She said and her eyes lit up. My little girl loves her some food she gets it from her momma. I giggled and poured fruity pebbles in a bowl. I poured milk in it as well and gave her a spoon.

"Okay stay her and eat your food, okay?"


I smiled and walked into my bathroom. I brushed my teeth then stripped getting into the shower. After about 10 minutes later I hopped out wrapping a towel around my body.


She ran into the room.

"Yes mommy"

"Go pick out what you want to wear today, you're going to see granny"


She ran out the room. I Lotioned my body and put on deodorant. I went to my drawer and pulled out a laced bra and pantie set, then put on my outfit.

~Outfit In Multimedia ~


I just got done dropping Krystal off to my mom's house.

I called August to see where I'm meeting him.

P H O N E   M O D E:

Me: Where am I supposed to be meeting you Nigga.

August: Meet me at the mall. 

Me: Okay ugly.

P H O N E   M O D E   O V E R :

I pulled up to the mall and grabbed my stuff hopping out. Once I walked inside all eye's were on me. I just shrugged off the looks and texted August.

T E X T   M O D E :

Me: Where you at ugly?

August: Nigga I'm far from it, but I'm in the food court.

Me: Fat ass.

August: Shut yo ass up.

T E X T   M O D E   O V E R:

I walked into the food court and spotted August. He was looking fine as usual.

" Wassup ? "

He got up to hug me. He smelled good as hell.

" Nothin ugly "

" I'm tired of you calling me ugly big head"

He smudged my head. I laughed at him.

" You hungry ?"

He asked with a raised eyebrow

"Yeah I haven't ate yet"

I walked to the Chinese place, and ordered my food. When I was about to pay for my stuff August gave the lady his card.

" You know you didn't have to do that"

I looked at him and rolled my eyes.

"Yeah but I wanted to"

I sucked my teeth and walked to a empty table. August sat across from me. 

" So tell me about yourself ."

He said without looking up from his food.

" All you need to know is my full name is Armani Rose Sanchez"

I said with attitude.

" Why are you being so stuck up"

" Maybe because I don't know you like that"

" Well maybe I'm trying to get to know you"

I rolled my eye's.

" Yeah whatever "

I can tell today was going to be a long day.










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