Chapter 13:

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Jealousy Is Just Love & Hate At The Same Time .

- Drake


Armani's Pov ,

I haven't seen Krystal since I left her at August's house . I try to call her daily but she always tell August she doesn't want to talk to me . I found out Jasmine and August are getting married and that shit hurt me to the core . I guess it's time for me to move on . I am now 9 months pregnant and I today is the day I'm having the baby .

I showered and put on some sweats , a t shirt , and my Concords . Then packed a baby bag . I wish August was here to experience this with me because I'm scared as hell . I put the car seat in the back and hopped in the front seat driving off.



" Okay I have the head when I count 3 push as hard as you can ... 1 2 3 push "

"Ahhh "

I yelled out and then I heard the baby crying . He was so beautiful . I started crying I can't believe I'm starting over again .

" Congratulations "

The doctor said to me .



Next Day ,

" Goodmorning Armani today you are being released so I'll be back with your papers "

"Okay thanks "

I said to the nurse .

I looked at August Jr. and he was still sleeping . He looks just like his daddy . I kissed his forehead and sat him in his car seat . I grabbed his baby bag and the nurse came back with the papers . I signed the and went down stairs . I found my car in the parking lot and strapped the baby in . I drove to August and knocked on the door . Jasmine answered the door .

" What the fuck do you want ?"

She rolled her eyes and folded her arms .

" Not you so move the fuck out the way "

I pushed my way inside . I walked into the living room and Krystal was sitting on August's lap on the couch . She looked at me and ran upstairs crying .

" Wassup ?"

August asked me .

" Nothin much "

I answered .

" Whose baby is that ?"

He seriously don't know .

" Well um mine "

He looked taken back .

"Oh what's his name ?"

I sighed .

" August Anthony Alsina.. "

He looked mad asf .


He yelled getting in my face.

" First of all back the fuck up and lower your damn tone , and second I didn't hide shit from you , if you didn't fuckin cheat on me with my fuckin sister , and if you was actually there for me you would know . But guess what your a grimy ass muthafucka that can't keep his dick in his pants to save his life . A fuckin waist of time . I fuckin loved you with all of me and what did you do , spit in my face then laughed , I can't stand the fact that everyday you can go out and enjoy your life with someone that will always have your back when I don't , an the fact the you promised me that you wouldn't hurt me and your the one whose doing it the most . So you know what I'm going back to the old me the one that don't give a fuck . "

I went upstairs and and packed all Krystal's stuff up .

" Krystal put on your shoes and let's go !"

"Bu- "

" Krystal if you don't put on the damn shoes and let's go imma whoop your little ass "

She rushed and put her shoes on . I grabbed her chair and went downstairs. August was holding Jr.

" I'm about to go so can you put him back in his car seat ?"

I said with attitude .

" I see why your ex left you , your a stuck up ass bitch ."

A tear rolled down my cheek I was beyond pissed . I slapped the shit out of him .

" You don't know shit about my past so imma need you to shut the fuck up before you end up six feet and under . "

I took Jr. from him and strapped him in his seat .

I grabbed Krystal's hand and went to the car . I put them both in the car and slammed the door shut .

" You don't have to worry about me and mines "

I said to August .

" So you see how it feels to lose the one you love ?"

I looked at Jasmine with confusion .

" What are you talking about ? "


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