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( Q&A's Will Start Off Every Chapter So Ask The Character's Questions Dont Be Shy . Also If You Want To Be In One Of My Books Inbox Me . Im Looking For More People To Be In My Book ' Playing The Player ' )

To Jasmine:

Girl, is you fanna be prepared for the ass whooping Armani fanna give you?

What was up in that mind of yours boo?!?

Jasmine- Bitch Shut The Fuck Up You Irrelevent . & I Got Something For Armani & August's Bumb Asses . They Better Watch They Lil Baby Of Theirs .

Hint Hint

Armani's Pov ,

Im tired of Krystal's attitude , since she want to act grown imma teach her a lesson. Starting now.

Me: Babe We Need To Talk .

I shot August a quick text because I was to lazy go downstairs .

Auggie: You Do Know Im Downstairs Right ?

Me: Yeah .

Auggie: Lazy Ass .

I laughed to myself . I heard footsteps going up the stairs , signaling he's coming.

" What do we got to talk about ? "


Next Day ,

" Mommey can you do my hair ."

Krystal asked .

" Nope , go ask daddy to do it , after all you dont need me right "

" But he dosen't know how to "

I shrugged my shoulders .

" O well "

She looked like she was about to cry .

" Fuck You "

I back handed her in her mouth and she burst into tears. August ran into the room.

" What happen ?"

He asked her .

" Mommey hit me because I cursed at her "

" O well I guess you got what you were asking for "

He walked away . I looked into her eyes and I was heartbroken . But she has to learn and this is the only way .

She ran to her room slamming the door. I let out a sigh. Was I going to far ?






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♡ My Attitude ♡ ( August Alsina Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now