Chapter 6 :

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Armani's Pov,

2 Months Later,

August and I have been hanging out a lot now. I can talk to him about basically anything , I can really trust him. No, he hasn't meet Krystal yet , actually he doesn't even know who she is but I am going to finally let him meet her. Yes I know that's a big deal, I know Krystal is going to like him just as much as I do....


I woke up to Krystal jumping up and down on the bed.

" Good morning Mommy . "

"Good morning baby . "

I kissed her cheek.

" Go wash up so you can help mommy cook okay "

Without another word she jumped up and ran to the bathroom.

I grabbed my phone to see if someone texted me .

Text Mode :

August ♡: Good morning ugly wyd today?

Me: Nothing wbu?

August ♡: Same...

Me: Do you want to come to my place and chill, I have something important to tell you.

August ♡: You know I'm down. What's the address ?

Text Mode Over.

I got up to get dressed and did my everyday hygiene. I got Krystal ready and we ate.  10 minutes later there was a knock on the door.

" Krystal go up stairs and play with your toys till I call you to come down. "

" Otay Mama"

She ran upstairs and I opened the door.

" Wassup big head "

"Nothing slob "

We hugged then he sat on the couch.

" What did you have to tell me ? "

" Well you remember the first time we chilled and I said something about a girl named Krystal ?"

" Yeah what about her?"

"Promise me you won't tell nobody about her only my mom knows and now you will... "

"You know you can trust me , I would do anything for you , remember that "

"Thanks... Well KRYSTAL !"

She came running down the stairs. 

" Yes Mommy "

" Want you to meet August "

" Are you my daddy ?"


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