Hey Author here, this is an announcement so updates may be a bit slow as i am in school but i am trying to get new parts published as fast as my dead hands can take me. I can promise you its not because i'm lazy, i have all of the parts plots written down on a paper i use everyday so they will be published when i can. I have around 13 parts that i have made a plot for so please don't think that i am being lazy i'm doing the best i can. I have been writting the plots on these papers since school started after the break so ya. I will have the outfit that Y/N is wearing in each chapter and if there is a part two (There will be) its the same as part one unless noted. and i will try to add a picture or a music video to each part so you can listen while you read if you would like. SIDE NOTE Y/N HAS A DATING BAN FOR NOW!!
BTW who is your bias? Mine is Jhope
Who is your bias wrecker? Mine is Jungkook