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About two months have gone by and you have slowly started to remember a few important things. You can remember most of what happened the night of the accident but for some reason you still can't remember anything about dating jimin and can't remember being close at all with hoseok. It was pretty late in the day and you had finally finished working on a new song and decided to head for the practice room.
Y/N~ Hello my fellow bitches I have returned
Y/N~ Sorry oppa
J~ I think me and some of the others are going to grab some food wanna come?
Y/N~ Naw I think I'll stay
S~ Jhopes staying so take care of him well
Y/N~ Ok
The boys left and it was just you and jhope in the room. Putting on some music and starting to practice with jhope was fun and started to make you wonder just what happened at the award show and was it really that bad?
The dance was fun and challenging but at the same time with a partner it was easy.

Near the end of the dance you ended up slipping on some water and falling into jhopes arms. For whatever reason you remembered it happening before the accident.
Y/N~ Holy shit I remember something!
JH~ you do?
Y/N~ yeah this it's happened before
The more you thought about it the more you remembered that day. The day that you were practicing and your brother basically called jhope a pervert. Tears of joy started streaming down your face and a small tear from jhope as well. The thought that you remembered something about him made his heart flutter. He looked at you with wide, puppy dog eyes and without even thinking he ended up giving you a small peck on the cheek.
Y/N~ What was that about?
JH~ Sorry if that came of a little awkward I'm just i-
Cutting him off you placed your lips onto his. His lips were soft against yours and butterflies filled your tummy. You soon pulled your lips off his and smiled a little bit shyly but still very happy.
JH~ What was that about?
Y/N~ I just felt like it
Just as you finished speaking six guys came through the door with delicious takeout. You gave a wink to jhope before walking over to namjoon who was holding the bag of food.
Y/N~ Glad you came back I'm starving!
Rm~ we invited you to come along
Y/N~ Yeah but I had better things to do
Rm~ What could possibly be more important than food
Y/N~ I have my reasons
The eight of you sat around in a circle and slowly dug into the food well almost all of you, taehyung was finished before you even took a bite.
S~ How was dancing?
JH~ fine boring actually nothing happened at all!
S~ anyone else buying this bull shit?
T~ Nope
Jk~ Nada
Rm~ No chance in hell
The seven of you all stared at jhope until it was almost uncomfortable. It got so awkward that you went back to dancing and basically ignored the boys. Throughout your dancing the boys continued to eat as you worked through a few of the harder sections. On your hundredth attempt at a move you ended up tripping over your own feet and smacking your head on the speaker. The room started to fill with black and almost a second later you opened your eyes.
Y/N~ how long was I out this time?
Jk~ only fifteen minutes
Y/N~ where's yoongi and namjoon?
J~ getting ice you hit your head pretty hard when you fell.
Slowly sitting up your brother and rm came to you with ice.
S~ you good Y/N?
Y/N~ aside from my head pounding, yes
Your brother gave you a hug and thought it would be best if you all went home.

~Time Jump~

When you got home you could remember a few more things. Small things like what your favourite shirt was and a few of your wishes. Your brother plopped you into bed and turned out the light.
Y/N~ yoongi?
S~ yes Y/N
Y/N~ A or B
S~ Why, whats this for?
Y/N~ just do it please
S~ A, Was that all?
Y/N~ yes goodnight big bro
S~ Night clumsy
Your brother helped you with something that had been bothering you for a long time and now you finally know what to do.

Author here, yeah so this took a long time. I have been going through a very bad case of writers block and that made this extremely hard to write but never fear I finished this part and now the story is back on track also if you have little imagines you want me to make I can certainly see if I can and I will decide weather or not it might work in the story so yeah.

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