A few weeks have gone by. You the boys and Mimi continue to have fun and meet new army's everyday. You have been staying up late into the night writing in a journal and working on your computer, no one really knew why. Your journal has been very important to you, normally you would let Mimi or your brother read what you write but this time, it's more personal. You woke up bright and early in the morning to see a note on the counter. The note said that jhope was waiting for you at the studio with the other guys and Mimi was still home. Y/N~ Mimi grab your things let's go! M~ ok mommy She grabbed her ball and you were headed for the studio. Along the way, you walked past a park that was very familiar. It was the same park that you and jhope had your first date in. The memory was flooding back to you and you couldn't help but let Mimi play with her ball there. You sat on a park bench and watched your daughter play. While watching Mimi play, your phone started to ring. *picks up* Y/N~ hello? S~ Y/N where are you? Y/N~ the park with Mimi S~ oh well we were just going to grab something to eat want us to meet in the park? Y/N~ a picnic would be great! S~ Great see you guys soon You hung up the phone and went to play with Mimi while you waited for the guys to come with the food.
~Time Jump~
After about an hour you could see the boys coming towards you and Mimi with the picnic. M~ My ball! Mimi chases after her ball that was rolling onto the road. Y/N~ MIMI! You ran as fast as you could and threw her out of the way. The car had hit you instead and your head was bleeding. The boys all ran to you when they noticed you were lying in the street. Jh~ Call an ambulance! Jin picked up his phone with his shaking hands and dialed he number. Tears were streaming down everyone's faces except for Yoongi. He was too choked up to think, to speak, to cry.
~Time Jump~
It hadn't even been ten minutes since jin called for help but the boys were loosing their patience. S~ If they don't fucking get here soon I'm going to run her there myself! N~ we can't move her she could have a million things going on that we don't know about S~ Do you think I give a shit! She's my fucking sister and my best friend I can't loose her! Just as suga said that Mimi came up to him. M~ uncle yoongi? S~ yes princess? M~ is mommy going to be ok? Tears started to form in the corner of his eyes and all he could say is "I don't know". A few minutes later the ambulance arrived along with the police. The paramedics grabbed their gear and ran to Y/N. P~ She's not breathing let's get her a tube! The police were trying to calm down everyone but jhope couldn't focus on that only Y/N. p~I got a pulse! P2~ let's load her in! The paramedics called to jhope to go in the ambulance with them while the others and Mimi were being drove by the police. When you got to the hospital doctors immediately started hooking you up to machines. The doctors took you into surgery due to internal injuries with almost no explanation for the guys. The surgery went on for a few hours and when it was done you were put on a ventilator. Jh~ is she going to be ok Doc~ she has serious internal injuries and is in a coma, we're doing everything we can but you should be prepared for the worst. A lump appeared in jhopes thought and seemed almost difficult to breathe. It was getting late and everyone had forgotten about the picnic until Mimi said she was hungry. They slowly unpacked the food and then jungkook notice something. The chocolate covered strawberries. They were always your favourite so jungkook put the sweet fruit on the table beside your hospital bed. When the food was over no one wanted to leave the hospital so everyone spent the night there. When everyone was sleeping in the chairs yoongi was approached by a nurse. He was handed the bag you were carrying when you got hit. Tears were streaming down his face thinking about your current condition.
Ok so I haven't updated in a long time and this made me cry writing so I hope you enjoyed and I'm so sorry.
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