Before I start this chapter if you read the one labeled oh shit I didn't like it and therefore I'm deleting that part from the story so whatever happened in that has actually never happened if that makes sense...anyway on with the story!
It has been a couple of weeks since you got back from japan and things have been going extremely well, your injury is gone and dancing with jhope has been really fun. Lately you introduced the boys to Snapchat and it has proved interesting. Some days you get pictures of really stupid things and other days you get really sweet ones from your brother and jimin. It was around nine at night and you were still working at the studio when you got a snap
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You quickly messaged him back and headed to the car. It started pouring rain and it got extremely hard to see outside. When you were about two blocks from home you turned the corner only to see headlights heading straight at you. Almost a split second went bye and all you felt was pain, slowly your eyelids felt heavy and started to close.
~Time Jump~
Slowly you open your eyes only enough for you to see where you were. You weren't in the car anymore but at the hospital. Looking around you you see a few familiar faces. Your brother who was crying, jungkook, taehyung... S~Y/N You tried to sit up only to be stopped by taehyung T~Y/N don't try to sit up Y/N~Why? Jk~You were in an accident Y/N~Oh Y/N~Thanks for coming but who are they? A worried expression fell over the members and tears of joy turned into scared tears. N~You don't remember us You looked at them once more but couldn't remember any more of them. Y/N~I'm sorry I can't S~It's ok there our friends Y/N~Oh ok You didn't know what was worse not remembering them or seeing them cry because you didn't remember them. The hospital had discharged you and the boys helped you into the car. On the way home a few of the boys introduced themselves to you. The three boys who introduced themselves were kind jin, jimin, and Rm. You didn't know why the other one wouldn't tell you his name but you did however feel like you needed to remember him the most. When you got home you couldn't remember where your room was but jin and jungkook were happy to show you. J~Well here it is Y/N~ Thanks Guys it means a lot Jk~No problem J~Anytime The boys left the room and you got changed into something a little less.. bloody. As the night went on you were kept awake by tossing and turning, why can't I just remember everything, the thought echoed in your head and made it even harder to sleep then your door opened. You saw a little yoongi crawl into your room and invite himself under the covers. Y/N~Oppa? S~Yes Y/N? Y/N~do you think I'll remember everything? Your brother sighed and thought for a moment S~Even if you don't we still remember you Y/N~Oppa? S~Shh sleepy time now You snuggled up to your brother and got comfy the soothing sound of his breathing was slowly putting you into a deep sleep. All the things that happened earlier will soon be memories when you wake up in the morning and for a brief moment, you felt safe in your brothers arms.
Hope you enjoyed I just didn't like the way I took the old chapter I had here so this is the replacement. This chapter will allow me to make my story more interesting and a little longer than normal so hopefully tat will help.