You were nervous and shaking, waiting there in the bathroom was one of the scariest things to you and no one knew why. After a while, you got the answer you desperately needed.
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A wave of emotions flooded over you, mostly happy but one very prominent one. Y/N~ WHAT THE FUCK! JH~ Y/N? What's wrong? Y/N~ nothing I'll be out in a minute You put the test in a small towel and ran to your room. You had a small Gucci box from a gift tae gave you so you put the test in there for now. You stood in front of the mirror and said one thing. Y/N~ What the hell do we do now? You put on one of jhopes t-shirts and some shorts before going into the living room. When you got to the living room you saw that jungkook was playing just dance. Y/N~ WORK IT KOOKIE! Jk~ ALWAYS BITCH! J~ language kids! JH~ you look radiant as ever S~ your too happy Y/N what's up You had seven people staring at you. Y/N~ nothing just having a good day It was true you were having a good day. First you find out your pregnant, then you get told your radiant.
~Time Jump~
It was around dinner and you and the boys decided to go out and eat. You packed a small backpack and put the test inside of it then you were off to eat. You all went to your favourite Korean bbq place where you got to cook the food. While the rest of the group was drinking their alcohol, you sat there drinking sprite. Normally you would join them and have a few drinks but this time you didn't really have a choice, the members noticed this. V~ Ok something is seriously wrong she hasn't had anything to drink aside from sprite! Rm~ yeah you always grab a drink or too, he'll you took mine last time! Y/N~ guys nothing is wrong S~ Y/N you've been sick for the past two days, this morning you locked yourself in the bathroom, and now your not drinking any alcohol! What is wrong! You pulled out the box from your bag and put it on the table without saying anything. S~ whats this? Y/N~ it's for hoseok Jhope reached across the table and picked up the box. He opens it and started crying. JH~ your pregnant?! Y/N~ yes! Just then your brother was seen nearly choking on his drink. S~ sorry what?! You explained to him and everyone else that you weren't exactly planning to have kids this soon but when you found out you were overcome with joy. They continued to ask questions like when you found out and when it was due. You figure the baby would come sometime around April that made the members very very excited for these next few months.
~Time Jump~
When it was time to walk home you and yoongi stayed to the back of the pack. It was mostly filled with awkward silence until he spoke. S~ soo Y/N~ I don't so S~ What are we gonna do about the tour? Y/N~ well I figure I'll do as much as I can without showing too much and then when I can't really do the dancing I can just sing S~ oh ok You noticed the nervous expression on his face and couldn't quite make out why. Y/N~ yoongi? S~ yes Y/N~ I'm scared S~don't worry I'm here and so are the others, we're not going anywhere.
He pulled you into a tight hug and it made you feel better about the whole having a child thing. Just thinking about it made you realize you were going to be a mother. This was truly one of the scariest thing that has ever happened to you.