Jhope stood at the edge of your hospital bed tears streaming down his face as they unhooked you from some of the machines, you woke up. You don't really remember a whole lot of what had happened but your head was in a lot of pain. You looked at him with wide eyes. Y/N~ you going to hug me or what? He giggled a little and went in for the biggest hug he has ever given in his life. Although you had to stay at the hospital for a little longer the members and Mimi all came by to spend time with you when they weren't busy with other things. Soon you would be out of the hospital back to doing what you do best.
Ok so this is all I have right now I'm running out of ideas and I'm brain dead due to school. But aside from that my birthday!!! I'm 15 now!!!
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My cake is amazing and yummy! Sorry agin for not updating