The wedding madness had soon died down and it was back to everyday life, well your everyday life. The endless list of fan signs, rehearsals, and concerts couldn't end soon enough. You had barely gotten out of bed when you realized that you had to be at the studio ten minutes ago. You hopped out of bed and got dressed as fast as you could and ended up having to take the buss to the studio. Y/N~ sorry I'm late You quickly hugged the members and gave jhope a kiss only to then hear the music start. Right after rehearsal was over you had to go to an interview then that night was a concert.
~Time Jump~
You had just finished the interview an you and the boys were being rushed into the stadium for makeup and hair. To open was spring day so you got to put this on.
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You got on stage and the music started playing but something was off. You started to feel sick like you ate some bad food. You felt so sick that when the music ended you sat down on stage. The others noticed and knew it wasn't like you to do something like that especially not on stage. Your brother pulled you to the side with the mic's off. S~ you ok? Y/N~ I don't feel too well that's all Jk~ you've never done this before you sure your ok? Y/N~ Yeah just need a minute They walked away and you tried to catch your breath before you had to perform again. Midway through DNA, you pretty much blacked out and fell onto poor Jin. Then you felt sick again. J~ did you catch the clumsy bug from Rm again? Y/N~ no I- Before you could finish your sentence you ran off stage and puked. The stage manager got you a cool cloth and layer you down while the guys performed without you. Once the concert was over you decided to take a cab and stop by the drug store for ginger ale and a few other things.
Yoongi POV
S~ I'm gonna grab some things she might need V~ I'll help JH~ sane here The other members helped set up some things for the sick Y/N coming home. You put a towel on the ground with a bucket just in case and jin got to cooking some soup to settle the stomach.
When you got home everyone was so nice and led you to the room full of the delicious food and other things. Y/N~ thanks guys but could I maybe be alone for a minute? They nodded their heads and left the room. You pulled out the ginger ale and had that with the soup leaving you in thought. This hasn't happened before is something wrong? You kept calm as much as possible but ended up calling for jhope anyway. You proceeded to tell him that you just needed some good old fashioned cuddles and some Disney movies to make you feel better. Turns out it did help and it put the two of you to sleep.
The next morning you guys had a day off and you took advantage of that for sure. For the better part of the day you just payed in bed watching kdrama on Netflix and ate ice cream. Everything was fine and good until you felt sick again. This time you went to the bathroom and didn't come out for a long, LONG time. JH~ babe you good In there? Y/N~ fine The truth is you were fine, for the most part. You were nervous and shaking, waiting there in the bathroom was one of the scariest things to you and no one knew why. After a while, you got the answer you desperately needed.