1 Year

501 5 1

Ok so this story has been out for about a year now and I'm super happy about that! To be honest, I stared writing this because I felt kinda lonely, lost, and a little overwhelmed with everything going on in my life. This story was and still is my escape from everything so thank you for reading this and encouraging me to continue it. Thanks to all of you who have and still are reading this lame ass story of mine because I don't know what I'd do without you. I know this is going to sound super cheesy and it is but, thank you to BTS. BTS has shown me what it means to be loyal, thoughtful, and to love myself as well as many other things. I may not be the smartest, strongest, or even the prettiest person but I do know, that BTS accepts all their ARMY and that's enough for me; to know they are out there and think about us everyday while we think about them. And thank you to my best friend who got me into this crazy world of kpop. Like most people I'm sure thought kpop was a little.... different but what isn't right?! She may not think she is but she is one of the bravest, smartest and most interesting people I have ever been graced the presence with. I'm still looking forward to our amazing plan of living in Korea with our small but comfortable apartment and our jobs at entertainment companies there. Thank you to all of you, who knows maybe one day you will see a story of mine in your local book store, but for now this is just fine.

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