Author here so everyday will have an outfit in the story and it won't change unless stated.
As you were slowly adjusting to life with 7 guys you managed to become best friends with one of the members, Jungkook. You and Kookie did almost everything together but your favorite thing was to play over watch with him and Tae. It was still pretty early in the morning so all three of you were in your pajama's still.
Your pajama's
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You still weren't that great at playing Over watch but you still managed to have lots of fun with Tae and Kookie. After ignoring the need for food for about an hour, you slowly got up and ran to the kitchen at the smell of perfectly crispy bacon.
Y/N- "Jin that better be for me!"
" its for everyone" jin said to you when he put down the mountain of bacon. Just as he looked away you grabbed the plate an ran to the nearest room you could find little did you know it was Jhope's. When you got into the room without a second thought you locked the door before jin had the chance to see you took the plate. Finally you got comfy on the bed that was in the room and began to eat your bacon when you started to hear the sound of running water coming from the bathroom that was attached. You decided to ignore the noise and quietly check your twitter when out of nowhere there was Jhope with soaking wet hair in some sweatpants.
Oh dear god why do these things keep happening to me!
JH- "Y/N, what are you doing in my room?"
You didn't need to say anything when he saw the massive pile of bacon in your lap.
Y/N- "I HAD NO IDEA THIS WAS YOUR ROOM OPPA" as you were saying this all the blood rushed towards your cheeks.
JH- "Get dressed and meet me at the car in 10"
Y/N- "Why?"
JH- "Just do it"
You had no desire to question why Hobi was taking me out but was very curious to find out.
Time jump brought to you by Jams, "is your name jimin? are you constantly being told you got no jams? well we have found them for you! now in strawberry"
Seeing as you had no idea where he was taking you didn't really know what to wear but you decided on something fairly simple.
This is what you wore
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Nervously you walked out to the car to be greeted with a very happy Jhope grabbing onto your wrist running as fast as he could to the amusement park. When you got there you were way to happy and couldn't help but smile. After your final ride the two of you got some ice cream and sat down for the fireworks that were about to start. Almost an hour later the fireworks were just about finished when Jhope pulled you in for a hug when out of nowhere "Y/N, do you maybe wanna be my girlfriend?"