Chapter Eleven: The Bell Test

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This is such a classic scene that I felt the need to put it into the story, even if it was kinda pointless...

(you can probably skip this chapter if you want to, won't make too much of a difference.

The very next day......

Shiori's pov

"Hey, Leiko!" I waved to her from across the streets.

"Shiori," She nodded her head in acknowledgement.

"You're out pretty early. Training isn't until like half an hour," I said.

She raised an eyebrow, "I could say the same for you. Why are you out so early?"

At that I pouted, "It's all Sasuke's fault!" I declared.

"What..." Leiko looked baffled.

"Hmph! Well it's his test today. So being the good cousin I am, I got up early to make him breakfast and give him advice. Mental support y'know? Well he got up and claimed that Kakashi-sensei told him not to eat! I mean how is the asshole supposed to fight on an empty stomach?

"I told him to look underneath the underneath but I guess he never took that to mind! So he left the compound leaving me an entire table of breakfast to clean up and he didn't take much with him either.

"He said 'I'll be fine with a few kunai and shuriken. Our sensei doesn't seem that good,' Not that good my ass! He's lazy, but he's a jonin! A damn good one at that. Even if he wasn't a good jonin, let me repeat, a jonin. You'd think he knows something after surviving jonin exams," I finished my ranting.

Leiko's eyebrow twitched, "Okay, the word jonin appeared way too many times in that rant. Sasuke's position of an asshole as further embedded itself in my mind and you're worrying too much. Just let him do his thing and he'll be fine,"

I sighed, "If only."


"Morning girls! Glad to see you're all on time! So today is your first day as genin. Instead of getting straight into the mission, there's something I wanted to show you. So today's task is...watching Team Seven's test!" Sensei pumped her fist in enthusiasm.

We sweat-dropped.

"Uh...why?" Aoi blurted out.

"Leiko and Shiori have trained with him before. If you know anything about Kakashi, it's that he isn't your typical shinobi. You know, teammates before missions and that stuff," Kaoru-sensei explained.

"Do you think he's a good shinobi?" Aoi asked absently. 

"If you put aside the fact that he's always late. I have my own opinions on punctuality but to each man himself I guess," Kaoru-sensei shrugged.

"So we're going to spend the day watching Naruto get poked in the butt, Sakura fainting and Sasuke getting pulled into the ground. Sounds great!" Leiko whispered.

"Come on! Let's go!" Kaoru cheered walking along.

"Well, it's not D-ranks, so that's something, right?" I shrugged, following along.

Le time skip ~~~

When we arrived at Training Ground Three, we had a front row seat to the most hilarious battle ever. We walked right in on the scene of Kakashi-senseipoking his fingers up Naruto's butt and a-thousand-years-of-pain-ing his ass.

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