Chapter Twenty One: Chunin Exams Final

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Third pov

"Coming through! I'm gonna be late 'ttebayo!" was all Akiko heard before she narrowly dodged a flash of orange running past her.

"Naruto?" she tilted her head but said boy had left her far behind already.

"His fight is first, remember?" Aoi asked her, chuckling.

"Oh yeah," Akiko mumbled in realisation.

"We should hurry up. Your fight is going to be second," Aoi said speeding up a little.

Akiko frowned, "I'm the third fight. Plus I'm probably not even gonna get to fight."

"Yeah but Sasuke's fight is going to postponed, remember?" Aoi said, walking further away.

"Oh yeah!" Akiko shouted, chasing after her twin.


"We're going to be late," Sasuke muttered pulling at his weights.

"Maa maa, calm down. You'll make it," Kakashi said boredly.

"Not an excuse to be late," Shiori said absently, whilst admiring her new sword.

"That's a sharp blade you've got there," Kakashi commented lightly.

Shiori grinned, "Yeah, Hayate-sensei took me to the blacksmith to get my own sword crafted."

"Oh really now?" Kakashi raised an eyebrow.

"Hn, is a sword easy to use?" Sasuke asked.

"No, it's hard to learn...but it definitely pays off," Shiori replied.

Sasuke just nodded, as if in thought.


"Hey, have you guys seen Shiori?" Leiko asked as she saw the twins approach the group of contestants,"

"No, nothing unfortunately," Akiko shook her head.

Aoi pursed her lips in thought, "She was training with Kakashi-sensei right? She might be late."

"You think they'll postpone her fight?" Leiko queried.

"They won't have to. If there's one thing about Shiori hates, it's being late," Aoi said surely.

"That's true."

"So, did you sort out differences with Neji?" Akiko said to Leiko.

"Nope," Leiko admitted.

"Did he think you guys were being unreasonable?" Akiko asked.

"No, Shiori was right. It's his own choice if he want to stay behind in his own self pity."

"But still-" Aoi was cut as Genma interrupted.

"Can all contestants please wait up in the viewing platform other than Uzumaki Naruto and Hyuga Neji?"

"Wait! But Sasuke isn't here yet!" Naruto protested.

"Neither is Shiori," Leiko informed.

Genma shrugged, "They'll be disqualified if they do not turn up on time."

Everyone left the arena to just Naruto and Neji.

"Alright then! Let the first match of the tournament, BEGIN!" Genma announced.

Immediately, veins bulged around the edges of Neji's eyes as both genin took stance. Naruto whipped out shuriken and kunais, to prepare for an attack.

Leiko shook her head, "A frontal attack isn't going to work on him."

"Naruto will win," Akiko said confidently.

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