Chapter Twenty-Eight: Mission Aborted

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Shiori's katana 'Mikazuki' is the Crescent Moon Katana, one of Japan's Five Swords Under Heaven. It's named after a real sword.

Third pov

The moon was high in the night sky, as silence settled over the village sheltered by the trees. Two people, one girl one boy were the only people the clouds could see for miles, one leaving, the other unwilling to let go.

The boy sighed at the teammate he had first found annoying, but grew fond of despite circumstances.

"Thank you, Sakura," Sasuke whispered as he knocked her out with a swift strike to the neck.

Gently placing her on the bench he spared her one last look before turning around to exit the village gates. As he went to take his first step, he stiffened at the new presence.

"Come out, whoever you are," he said coldly.

"You're really leaving huh?" A girl said, stepping out of the shadow.

"Shiori," Sasuke spat, "You can't stop me from leaving."

She smiled sadly, "I'm not here to stop you. I just wanted to say goodbye one more time before you left."

Sasuke stilled, "You're not gonna stop me?"

"No, I'm not. You're have the right to make your own decisions. I might not agree with them but I'm not going to stop you."

"I thought you were-"

"I was. But it was more important for me to come and see you off than to brood at home about what you said," Shiori replied.

"Even after..."

"To me, family is were home is. You might not consider me family, but you welcomed me into your home. You're my family."

"We're going to be standing on opposite sides after tonight," Sasuke said weakly.

"I know. Which is why I wanted to talk to you before you leave. Don't get me wrong, once you step out of this village I'm not going to hesitate if I meet you on a mission. But right now, we're still both inside the village," Shiori stepped forward right into front of him.

"Look, I don't want you to go, obviously. But this was what you've been working towards for the past five years. As hard as it is, I'm not going to take that away from you. Just remember that there's always a place for you here in the village if you ever find that the snake is too creepy for you," Shiori said, drawing out a small chuckle from the boy.

Sasuke froze as she gave him a quick hug.

"For the last time, brother. Good luck."

She flickered away after that. Looking at the place where she once stood, Sasuke stared for a while, deep in though.

Then realising that he wasn't gaining any time by just standing there, he shook himself out of it and bolted out the gates.

'Sister. Thank you.'


Shiori's pov

"Team Two this is an urgent A-rank mission. You five are the only ones available right now for this mission," Tsunade said seriously.

"Why did you call us, Tsunade-sama?" Kaoru-sensei asked.

"I sent a team to recover Sasuke earlier today and we have received intel that they are now engaged in a losing battle. I'm sending you five out to provide help. The Sasuke Recovery Mission is aborted, your priority is to get our current shinobi back alive. Understood?" The Godaime asked.

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