Chapter 41

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I noticed Lydia was falling asleep. I kissed her head and went to the living room to get some water. I was about to head back when Kylee called again. Girl just doesn't wanna leave me alone. I answered.

Adym & Kylee
"What now Kylee I'm kinda busy" "Busy what jerking off cause your girl can't do it right" "Why is it every time you call you talk about sex" "Alright look I miss having sex with you okay" "Yeah it's to late for that I'm taken" "She doesn't have to know" "Sorry but I'm not a

Cheater like you" "Look Adym I'm sorry I really am but please I have urges" "All you care about are your urges you mine as well have a one night stand like a normal person would" "No those are disgusting" "So is cheating but you did it anyways" "Look I said I was sorry"

I hung up on her. I went back to my room to see that Pablo took my spot and was cuddling in Lydia's arms. I take a picture and the flash wakes up Lydia.

"Sorry babe didn't mean to wake you" "It's alright I didn't mean to fall asleep on you" "I don't mind" "Hey have you noticed something's up with Pablo" "What do you mean" "Well when we're home he's real lonely" "Where are you going with this" "I kinda want

Another dog but only if it's okay with you" "Babe of course it's all right plus it'll be fun having two dogs" "So when do you wanna get one" "I'm thinking tomorrow maybe after I get back from the gym we can go" "I still don't know why you want to go back to working out"

"Hey I want my old body back" "Ok but I love this Adym who doesn't have a fit body" "And this Adym misses his fit body" "Babe I feel like before we got together my body looked more slim" "Babe your body looks perfect the way it is I already told you I don't wanna hear

Negative comments about your self" "But babe- "No Lydia I don't even care how your body looks I mean yeah I admit your body is sexy and I could look at it all day long but really I love your personality I love you I don't want you changing for me or for anyone" "No ones

Ever told me that" "Maybe cause you never found the one" "I love you Adym but I really do miss my body" "Then we'll go to the gym together" "Or you can go with Sawyer and I'll go with Langie" "Fine but if I find out guys are touching your ass no more" "You act like this

Ass belongs to you" "It does if I say so" "I love you babe" "I love you more big booty" I kissed Lydia on the lips and I could feel her smile between the kiss. I slowly pulled away and looked in her beautiful brown eyes. I smiled and Pablo ruined the moment by barking

Causing us to get scared and pull away. We turned to each other and laughed. I then remembered what I bought from Florida. "Hey babe lets do something tomorrow" "Depends what do you have in mind" "Dinner and then hopefully movie" "How about double date at

The beach with Sawyer and Langie" "That sounds even better" "Hey can we go buy me a bikini" "As long as I get to be there when you change" "We both know that answers a know" "Oh come on know funny business I promise" "Thats what you said about the shower" "Okay

You were naked I couldn't help my self" "Yeah nice try now get ready for tomorrow" "Can't wait for another dog" "Neather can I" "Hey babe can I ask you something" "Feel free to ask anything" "Do you see a future with me" "Well yeah actually I do believe it or not but I see

Little us" "Little us" I asked in more of a question "Baby Adym" "I'm not saying I wanna start a family so soon but I do want one with you" "So do I but at the moment were to young I mean I'm not even 18 yet" "Speaking of that I was thinking once your 18 let's I don't know

Maybe get out own place" "Are you crazy we can't leave Sawyer behind" "Sawyer knows about this" "And he's okay" "Yeah look Lydia I want my own privacy where I can do what I want without being scared of my brother seeing me" "Look babe I'm down to move but for now

Let's focus on what's happening now" "What excatly is happening right now" "What's happening is we moved in together and we will when I'm 18 but for now we need to focus on us" "Look Lydia I'm so sorry" "It's alright just promise me it won't happen again" "I promise

I love you Lydia so much" "I love you more Adym" "Lydia I want you to promise me something" "What will that promise be" "No matter what happens we'll always find our way back to each other" "I promise" I kissed her lips nice and slow. This kiss felt different. I've never

Felt this feeling before. Not with any girl I've ever dated. Not even with Lydia. I don't excatly know what this feeling is but I know I can't lose it and If I do I don't know what I'll do. Nor will I know if I'll ever get the feeling back. I pulled away from her and I felt my self about to tear

Up. I went to the bathroom and calmed my self down. Once I was calm I went back out and of course Lydia was sound asleep on the bed cuddling with Pablo. I kissed her forehead and laid down next to her. She immediately nuzzled up right next to me. I kissed her head and began to slowly fall asleep.

Finally past 40 chapters 😭❤️💯

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