Chapter 51

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After i finished making dinner i went to the room and saw that lydia was asleep. i didn't wanna wake her up so i just ate dinner and went to watch tv. minutes later i heard someone's phone ring. it was coming from my room

i walked to my room and again it was lydias phone. i looked and i was surprised that it was kylee. i answered but pretended it was lydia

(Its adym but pretending to be lydia)

Lydia/Adym & Kylee

"well hey lydia how's my baby" this girls weird but what would lydia say to this "um he's mine and not yours so back off" i hope she falls for it "adym i know it's you" i admit im an idiot for that "alright fine it's me what do you want why are you calling my girlfriend"

"for starters you act as if she hates me and two i know you want me back you don't have to hide it" "i don't want you if anything i want you out" "adym that made no sense" "it really didn't but you know what i mean"

"you know we don't even have to get back together we can keep it secret" "the hell do you mean" "you can still be with her but just don't tell her" "even if i wanted to i still wouldn't i love lydia more then anything i wouldn't do anything to hurt her"

"you really think she's happy with you I can guarantee you she's thinking about leavening you and if you don't leave me look at her messages"

with that said she  ended the call. why can't she leave me alone. i put lydias phone back and at that moment i thought i knew what i had to. i grabbed her phone and went to the bathroom. i knew what i was doing was wrong but i had to

i went through her phone and looked at her messages between her and amber. i feel terrible but kylee sounded serious as if it was true. before i opened the message i took a deep breath

i knew even if kylee was wrong i would lose lydia for good this time but i just have to know. i opened the messages and it said....

Amber & Lydia

Amber😩💕: sooo you and adym
Me: lol what about us

Amber😩💕: you guys are getting so serious i mean you did move in with him
Me: honestly im starting to feel as if it was a mistake

Amber😩💕: what do you mean suger plum
Me: well i feel like I practically took his personal place and i feel as if we keep losing connection

Amber😩💕: connection ????
Me: spark

Amber😩💕: maybe you should talk to adym about this but if you know deep down you love him and if he does love you then you shouldn't feel upset
Me: but if i do say anything he'll think i can't trust him and that's not what i went

Amber😩💕: well what do you want????
Me: i want things to back to the way they were before

Amber😩💕: im confused help me out here
Me: i still feel the spark but for some reasons im not as happy as i use to be with him

Amber😩💕: well what changed
Me: it's not what changed it's what's happening kylee and angie keep getting to me

Amber😩💕: soo what your saying is you don't trust adym
Me: no what im saying is that i feel as if im not good enough for him

i was going to keep reading the messages but i heard a knock on the door

"hey adym have you seen my phone" said lydia "um yeah i have it im taking a shit and my phones charging so i thought i use yours" that was a gross lie but it was worth it "um okay gross but nice to know i guess" she said laughing "ill be out there in a minute"

i heard her leave. as guilty as i feel i need to tell her. at this point i don't blame her if she leaves me. i went behind her back and looked through her personal messages. i feel like such as a bad boyfriend. i didn't realize it but i started to tear up. i quickly wiped it away and went out

i saw lydia on the computer editing her video. i went up to her and asked to talk. she agreed and turned off the computer. im going to regret this but i have to tell her

"so i have something to tell you and it's really important" "aww baby what is it you know you can tell me anything" lydia said in a sweet voice "please don't hate me for this" "adym your scaring me"

"i look through your messages while you were asleep and i also kind of wanted to take kylees offer" "what was the offer" she said sounding hurt i know im gonna regret what im about to say next but i can't lie to her "she told me that we could sneak around and you'll never know"

after i said that lydia slapped me as hard she can and ran to get the car keys and left. i tried running after her but i was to late. what the fuck is wrong with me. i just lost the love of my life and ill never get her back

Lydia's Pov

i slapped adym and ran out the door with my phone and keys in my hand. i didn't know where to go so i went to langies and sawyers. when i got there they immediately let me in and i was so hurt that i couldn't even look up

i told them everything. they offered me to stay but i declined and told them ill be staying at a hotel until further notice. i asked sawyer if he could go get my cloths but not to tell adym where ill be. he agreed. i gave him the info and from then on we went separate ways

Sawyers Pov

After lydia told me what happen i asked her to stay but she declined. later she asked me to get her some cloths and i agreed. plus it's a good time to talk to adym. when i got there he was tryin to cry himself to sleep but he couldn't

i went to tap his shoulder and when he got up as mad as i was he's still my brother so i gave him a bro hug and told him what i came for

I've been gone for so long. I'm sorry chapters are coming ❤️

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