Chapter 105

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"baby you get mad when i don't wear your cloths so stop complaining" she grabbed my black shirt and put it on "you look sexy with my cloths on you know that" she turned around blushing she jumped on me and hid her face in my neck "i love you babygirl so much"

she looked at me "i never meant to fall in love with you adym yorba but im so happy that i did" "if we never fell in love our babies wouldn't be here today" "are you happy with me" "babygirl im in love with you that's why im marrying you" she kissed me passionately

the kiss lasted for a few minutes once we pulled away she ruined the moment "you need to go edit the vlog" "did you have to ruin the moment like that" "yes now go edit on the apple computer in the youtube room or you get no love" "i want a kiss before i go edit" we kissed

when she pulled away she got off my lap then laid on the bed i kissed her again before i walked to the youtube room i sat down on the white chair then began to edit i was editing the vlog for a good hour when i was done i went back to the room to see lydia sleeping

i went to the twins room they were both soundly asleep i checked the baby monitor to see if it was on and working since it was i went back to the room and fell asleep next to my fiancé as i was falling asleep i felt her scoot closer to me i put my arm around

as i was about to fall asleep she woke up and sat up beside me "baby are you just barely going to sleep" "yeah but only cause you were sleeping" "you can get some sleep im gonna go change into my pjs" "no im okay just go change" she kissed me then went to change

when she came out she was wearing a pair of black sweats and a pink shirt she jumped on the bed and kissed me "my sister is coming over tomorrow to see the twins" she smiled at me "is cat staying the night or not" "she's just staying for three days so no teasing"

"its not like we can have sex so that won't be a problem" "yeah but your teasing is so none of those" i kissed her cheek "i promise none of that as long as you don't do that either" she kissed me soft before she could speak the baby started to cry we got up and went to the room

i picked up alex since violet was still sleeping "i love my babies even though that means no sex for awhile" she started to laugh her phone began to ring she went to the room and talked so she wouldn't wake up violet after a few minutes she came back "what was that about"

"it was the doctor she said that my area should be healed by now" "so that means we can finally have sex" "baby its only been three weeks that we haven't had sex" i kissed her still holding alex "im going to destroy you after your sister leaves" she took alex out of my arms

"you won't destroy me if i have my baby in my arms" she walked downstairs and into the kitchen "i have to breast feed him so go away" "its not like i haven't seen you naked or that baby wouldn't of been born" she started to breast feed alex i kissed her soft plum pink lips

"i love you babygirl more then anything" she was still breast feeding "i love you to now go away im feeding him" i kissed her cheeks then walked back upstairs i went back to the baby room and looked at violet she looked like lydia i kissed her on the forehead and left the room

i went back downstairs to see lydia burping alex she noticed me and smiled "im gonna go put him back into bed" she walked upstairs and put alex back in his crib then she came back down "i love those kids but they ruin the sex moments" she giggled "we made those kids"

she put her arms around my neck and kissed me "i can't wait for our next baby" "well i can give you another baby right now if you want" she laughed and kissed me "we can make another baby later" "what do you mean by later" "i want another baby but not now"

"when do you want another baby" "i want my next baby to be a surprise i don't wanna know that im pregnant" "you didn't even know you were pregnant with the twins for four months" "and you didn't notice my morning sickness so be quiet" she laughed at me then kissed my lips

"im going to make some food do you want anything" "how about you rest while i go pick up some of your favorite food" she kissed me "just hurry back i don't like being home alone" "baby the kids are with you" she hugged me "don't do anything stupid i need you back"

"i promise to be back soon but i want you to rest and watch over the kids" she hugged once again "im sorry im being clingy i don't want you to go" "that's alright babygirl but if you want food then i have to go" she let out a giggle "just five more minutes"

someone knocked on the door she pulled away and frowned "you go get ready while i answer the door" i kissed her then watched her answer the door i saw that it was angie i walked over and put my arms around her "what are you doing at our house" i held my fiancé tight

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