Chapter 88

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i woke up the next morning to see lydias not in bed i went down to the kitchen and saw her cooking i went behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist "you don't seem scared when i do this anymore" "lets just say im use to it now" i kissed her cheek

"what do you want to do today" "i was gonna say the beach but i know you hate when guys stare at me" "i mean if you wanna go we'll go" "nah lets go on a little road trip" "what do you mean babygirl"

"im three months pregnant about to be four i want a road trip before im not even able to walk" "alright well where do you wanna go" "lets have your parents watch over are dogs and invite sawyer and langie to disney land" "that sounds amazing let me call my dad"

i let go of her and went to the room i called my dad and he agreed to watch over are dogs i went back to lydia to see her on the phone with langie when she hung up she looked over at me she looked upset "guess its just you and me" "well at least ill be there with you babygirl"

she didn't say anything she just hugged me "we'll go tomorrow today we'll relax" she slowly pulled away "lets go get some starbucks" "you just totally changed the subject" she started to laugh "sorry i just don't wanna talk about this anymore"

"alright go get dressed then we'll leave" she went to go change while i started the car when she was done she came outside and locked the door and got in the car she was wearing a pink crop top with her thin grey sweats "why do always look cute" "i can say the same for you"

she kissed me in the cheek we drove to starbucks and got what we usually get we were about to drive home when lydia said something "can we go get some food im hungry" "baby we just ate" "im eating for three here okay" i just laughed at her she's so adorable

"what do you want to eat babygirl" "how about in&out" "i never realized how much we eat there" "i have baby you always ask me to pick you up some when im with langie" i pouted at her she kissed my lips and smiled "lets pick some food up and head back home"

"do you want to go inside or the drive through" "the drive through i wanna come home and cuddle up on the bed with my baby while we eat" "why are you so adorable" "only for you" "damn right only for me" "what would you do if some random guy slapped my ass"

"id kick his ass no ones aloud to touch you but me" she just looked at me "okay maybe i went over board but im serious if anyone touches you or your beautiful body im gonna kick there ass" "this is why i love you" "because im over protective" "no well kinda but you love me"

"i love you more then anything" "i can say the same thing here" i slightly smiled to myself "i love that smile of yours" "your smiles cuter have you seen your smile" "well no but explain my smile to me" "your smile can end war babygirl" "its that amazing"

"its more then amazing babygirl your smile makes me fall in love with you all over again" "i thought it was my boobs" "your boobs are sexy but there not the reason i fell in love with you" "how did you fall in love with me" "so many reasons babygirl you have no idea"

"well give me one then explain it" "to many to choose give me a hint" "lets start simple my lips" "not gonna lie i can kiss them all day" "you know you've done that before right" "and ill do it again" we kept talking we eventually got are food and went back home

we came inside the house and put everything on the counter "im gonna set the room up" "nope lets watch tv in the living room" "whats the difference from our room" "living room has more space and your big belly takes a lot" "okay living room it is"

"ill set it up you sit down" "im not that pregnant you know that right" "yes i know but you look tired" "baby im not tired let me help" "alright im sorry im being over protective its just these twins are our first kids" "i know but that's not all huh"

"im afraid of what amber will do" "look adym i know your scared so am i but i don't wanna love in fear nor stress since its bad for the twins" "im sorry ill try to calm down" she hugged me out of no where i hugged her tight once we pulled away we just looked into

each other's eyes "don't worry we'll be fine" she put her hand on my shoulder "ill try babygirl but no promises" "as long as you try babyboy" she kissed me nice and soft "come on let's go watch a movie" we went to get couch we sat down and cuddled up next to each other

while watching the movie i noticed lydia was getting tired "come on babygirl you look tired" "its not that im tired" "well then what is it" "what you said earlier about amber" "babygirl don't worry about it i was just overreacting" "are you sure"

"im positive babygirl now go rest" "not unless your coming with me" "ill be there in a little bit im gonna clean the mess down here" "alright but be quick" she kissed me and went upstairs i stayed down to clean the mess that we left once

i was done i went to our room to see lydia asleep i noticed she was cold since she was doing little shivers so i put the blanket over her and tucked her in a little bit i kissed her on the forehead and went to change once i was done i laid down lydia immediately cuddled up into me i slowly drifted off to sleep

If you didn't know there house has stairs. But comment down some new story ideas. I wanna make more but I don't have anything in mind 😂

Let me no some ideas in the comments below 💗

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