Chapter 39

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Once they leave me and Langie go back to sleep in our rooms. I wake up and make some breakfast for me and Langie. Once Langies up we eat and talk about her and Sawyer. The whole day we were in the living room.

Adym & Sawyer

Once are plain lands I wake up Sawyer and we take an uber to our hotel and immediately fell asleep. Once it's morning I wake up Sawyer and we get ready. Once we're done we go get coffee and head to Lydia house to say hi to her

Parents. Once we got there she let us in.

"So what are you boys doing here" "Well last time I was here I noticed Lydia wanted this necklace and I had to get it for her" "Wow no guy has ever done that for Lydia" "Ya about her can I ask you something" "Well sure go for it"

"What's up with her spazzing out" "It means she's scared" "But why" "Lydia has a hard past lots of heart breaks" "Heartbreaks?" "One time Lydia was dating this guy and well they moved in together but day after she moved in she

Came home to him cheating on her with Angie" "Oh my god but why did she stay friends with Angie" "Adym it's Lydia we're talking about she's to much of a nice girl" "That's true but where was Amber" "Amber was there to

Comfort her, since then Lydia has never opened up to any guy nor girl, she keeps her pain inside cause she doesn't want anyone to worry about her" "Wait did she really want to move in with me" "She did trust me she told

Me" "But I don't understand why would Angie do that to her" "That's something for Lydia to tell you" "Okay I understand" "Look Adym Lydia loves you a lot you know that" "Yeah I know I love that girl more then anything"

"I know you do can't wait to call you my son one day" "Woah that's a little to much" We started laughing "Can I Ask another question" "Feel free to ask anything" "How come Lydia never askes for anything" "Because If she does

She'll feel guilty the fact that she's basically taking other people's money" "Wow but anyways it was good seeing you we got to get going and shop for the girls" "Wait before you leave let me give you something"

Her mom comes back with a book

"What's this" "This book is Lydia's when she was 12 she wrote everything she ever wanted in life and till today she still wants those things I figure since your buying her things why not give you a hint" "Thank you" "Oh and Adym"

"Yeah" "When it comes to opening up give her some time she'll open up eventually" "Thank you again" With that said I hugged her and left.
Me and Sawyer went back to the hotel to sleep. Well Sawyer slept while me on the other hand

Was reading the book Lydia's mom gave me. I noticed not only was it a wish list but it was her diary from middle school. It turns out Angie and her go way back. But not only that I found out the reason why Angie cheated but I want to

Hear it from Lydia. Later on I finally sleep. I was woken up by Lydia calling to FaceTime. I answered and we talk for 4 hours. I finally say goodbye and she hung up. Before I head back to bed I set an alarm for 8:00. I slowly fall back

To sleep which was hard cause I'm used to Lydia sleeping with me. I wake up to my alarm. I get up to turn it off then I wake up Sawyer. We both get ready and get some coffee. I then head to Forever 21 while Sawyer went to a

Different store. I got the necklace she wanted. I then walk around when all of a sudden I bump into Angie. Why her out of all people.

"Well hey there Adym" "Look I'm busy what do you want" "I want you" "Ya like that's happening look can you please move" "Look I need your help" "I'm not helping you now move" "Look Adym I'm serious" "Alright fine

What" "Meet me at my house at 10" "Alright now move I'm still busy" With that said she moved and I continued to shop for Lydia. Once I was done I called Sawyer and we met up at In&Out as always. I told Sawyer what happen

"Dude its a bad idea don't go" "I know it's a bad idea but what if she really does need help" "I think you should talk to Lydia about this before you go" "Yeah I will but anyways let's continue shopping for the girls"

After we were done shopping I looked at all my checks and I spend over $2,000 on Lydia. I wasn't mad though. I checked the time and I noticed it was 9:30 so I get ready to leave to Angie's house. Once I got there I knocked on

The door and she opened it. When she opened it she was naked. Literally not even wearing socks. Before I could leave she immediately dragged me inside and sat me down on the couch. I kept telling her I had to leave but she

Kept pulling me down. I then gently pull her off and get up.

"Angie let me go I'm taken" "Lydia won't know it's okay just a kiss" "No bro leave me alone and get off me" "Adym come on don't you like my naked body" "No your harry now get off me" "That's it"

She tried to kiss me but since she stupidly closed her eyes I gently push her off to the couch and run to my car. I drive back home and immediately plopped on the bed until Sawyer got home. When Sawyer got home

I told him what happen. "Told you moron" "Look I'm gonna tell Lydia what happen while you do whatever" "Let you know this now if Lydia dumps you I don't blame her" "I wouldn't either" I FaceTimed Lydia

"Hi babe I miss you come back home" "Look Lydia I have to tell you something" "Um okay what's wrong" "I was walking around the store with Sawyer when I bumped into Angie she said she needed help with stuff so I agreed and

I came over to her house at 10 when I walked in she was naked she tried to get with me but I immediately pushed her away and ran back to my house" "Wow Adym I umm got to go" "Look Lydia- "I said bye Adym" she hung up.

I'm such an idiot. I could lose the love of my life. I went to my bed and cried my self to sleep.

Were so close to 40 chapters 😭❤️💯

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