Chapter 87

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this moment was perfect i wish it didn't end but it had to "are you happy with me babygirl" "how could i not be" "i don't know you tell me" "you and i may have our differences we may fight from time to time but you never leave me" "what do you mean"

"you never let me go to sleep feeling sad" "is that all babygirl" "no believe it or not theres a lot more" "well i hope there all good" "what about you" "i love you for a lot of things but you don't need to know those things" "wait but why" "most of them are dirty"

she snuggled up into me a little more i ran my fingers through her hair while we continued to watch the movie a couple minutes later i noticed lydia drawing circles around my chest "what are you doing babygirl" "i remember doing this to you when we first started dating"

she was smiling "i remember the first time you did that we were at my apartment filming a video" "im pretty sure this was after your break up with kylee" "who cares when it was it was at that moment i felt appreciated" "what do you mean baby"

"with kylee it was basically sex i mean she never wanted to go out i didn't even know the times she was gone she was with other guys" "you never told me that part" "i didn't think it mattered but anyways may i continue my story" "yes you may"

"when i found out she kept trying to apologize but i wasn't having it that's when i called you to meet up i was heart broken i didn't know what to think when i saw you i realized you were the one that i really needed" "baby what are you talking about"

"i did have feelings for you before but i thought you didn't have feelings for me so i went with kylee since i did somewhat have feelings for her" "why didn't you tell me you had feelings for me" "i remembered you told me you don't do relationships cause you were still recognizing from your last one"

"i remember that so its kinda my fault" "its nobodies fault babygirl i have you now that's all that matters" i kissed her nice and slow we then pulled away "ready for bed babygirl" "can we stay up a little longer im not that tired" "well what do you wanna do then"

"lets go the baby nursery and then the baby room and see what should go where" she just smiled at me we got up and went to the baby room we stood there "we really are becoming parents huh" "yup i can't wait until little adym and little lydia to come out"

"you know after i give birth we can't have sex until my wound heals" "aww what no sex" "nope but you can live without that can't you" "i can for awhile" "baby we'll have to wait two weeks to go back to sex" i hugged her from behind and put my hands on her stomach

"i can't wait to be a mother to these two" "you have any names in mind" "to many actually but i like the name violet and adrian" "those are two beautiful names" "two beautiful children deserves two beautiful names" both of our hands were on her stomach

"your stomachs getting bigger every month" "i know i cant wait to see how big it gets" "no matter how big it'll be you'll still look perfect to me" "that was smooth" she was laughing "come on babygirl lets go look at the nursery"

we went to the next room since both rooms were next to each other "after these two are born you ever think we'll have more" "probably babygirl but maybe after are twins are a little older" "i want more kids but another set of twins ill be raw" "you'll pull through"

"imagine the pain ill be in with these two" "like i said you'll pull through babygirl" "ill be able to as long as your by my side" i put my hands around her waist and pulled her close "ill always be here for you i love you to much to even leave your side" "i love you adym"

"i love you more babygirl now lets head to our room and cuddle till we fall asleep" "baby im not tired yet can't we stay up a little longer" "your lucky i love you or i wouldn't do this"

"yes you would i remember when we were friends you use to stay on facetime with me for hours until i fell asleep" "i knew you would be mad if i ended the call so i left the phone on and just slept" "you were always such a great friend to me"

"who knew we would become more" "come in lets go lay down" "i thought you weren't tired" "i am but with two babies kicking its hard to sleep" she was about to laugh when she felt her stomach "there kicking come feel them" i put my hand on her stomach i felt them kick

"little monsters in there" she was crying happy tears i wiped her tears with my thumb and kissed her lips "go get ready for bed babygirl" she went to change when she came out she was wearing my black shirt with some sweats she came and cuddled up in my arms

i put both my arms around her and pulled her closer she laid her head on my chest she placed her hand on my heart she then outlined it with her ring finger "you enjoying yourself babygirl" "yeah" she let out a little giggle i kissed her on the forehead she slowly drifted off to sleep

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