Monster (edited)

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"Katie no!" It was the first time Lance had used her real name since finding out. In fact it was the first time he had spoken at all that day. This mission was supposed to be easy. A quick stop to gather more people for the coalition.

Nobody expected for the king to betray his people. Harboring soldiers in his castle until Voltron had landed and paladins were away from their lions. The team was separated from each other; lost in the swirl of battle as they tried to rescue refugees.

It was as if time slowed. Lance turned his head to watch a horde of soldiers corner her. He scanned the distance, knowing he was to far. She yelped in pain. Lance was sure his heart snapped. He let out a growl; the planet beneath them turning slick with ice. As the frost worked its way over the Gallra. They scrambled back trying to run.

It wrapped itself on their legs squirming its way up until it covered their robotic faces. The air was freezing now, breaths made puffs of warm smoke. The entire planet was coated in thick ice. Only the villagers and his team stood untouched. In shock he locked eyes with the younger paladin guilt blooming as he saw the fear in her eyes.

As if in a trance Lance stared at his hands; horror etched into his eyes. Footsteps were approaching. Distant voices that were muffled and distorted. Was it the rest of his team? He watched as they stopped where Pidge sat gawking. Talking for a while as they repeatedly scanned her for injuries. She had a bruise on her jaw but nothing more.

He watched from afar struggling to control his breathing. The Cuban wasn't sure what had happened by he knew it wasn't natural. Hunk jogged over trying his best to smile reassuringly. Lance couldn't hear what he was saying. He felt sick and dizzy. His stomach twisted into knots.

He blinked and suddenly he was surrounded by his friends. "Lance?" It was Keith waving his hand in front of his face.

Hunk reached out to touch his shoulder and he let out a squeak. Tears forming in his wide blue eyes. He pushed past everyone mumbling to himself. "No, no, no." His body vibrated with fear. He was a monster, a freak.

Shiro stepped towards him this time, "Lance, calm down. What happened?"

He continued to back up, "I can't. I can't, pilot blue anymore." He wheezed the temperature dropping another 20 degrees.

"What are you talking about!" Keith raised his voice slightly. Shivering as wind whipped around his hair.

"I don't want to hurt you guys," he whimpered the ice around him getting thicker. "I'm a monster a fucking monster!" He screamed. He knew couldn't out run Shiro or Keith but he needed to leave. Walls of ice shot from the ground building slowly into bars. Lance knew he could maybe control it if he stayed calm but being trapped stressed him out more.

Pidge watched the way his eyes flicked around for an escape, any possible opening. Before Lance felt a surge of tiredness and couldn't help dropping to his knees. His vision dimmed and then silence.

P I D G E :

"Lance?" Hunk caught him as he fell forward the slick prison already melting and fading as he slept. "It's ok he's just asleep-" Lance muttered something along the line of I'm sorry relaxing into his friends arms. As tension left his face the ice melted. The water seeming to flow back into Lance.

I was stunned, he had saved my life but at what cost his sanity? Is it even possible for humans to control an element like that? Keith placed his hand on my shoulder. "Hey we're heading back. When we land you Have to tell us what happened, ok?"

I nodded trudging over to my lion. Blue seemed calm piloting herself back with a purr. I wish Lance was awake he could have told us what she was saying.


"What happened?" Shiro asked laying Lance down on a cot. Coran began to check his vitals as Allura just bit her lip and stared at me.

I take a deep breath, "When we got separated from you guys Lance was running a group of refugees to our lions. I got surrounded and all I could hear was Him scream my name. Not my nickname, my name. He's only called me Katie a handful of times but never in this tone." I pushed up my glasses glancing over him.

"That's when I realized that the soldiers were running from something. I heard a growl, my first thought was one of our lions. But it came from him." I thought about the terrified look in his eyes as it happened. "All he had to do was take a single step. And then. And then, His eyes started to glow and the ice spread from there. After it was over he looked terrified."

Allura smiled kindly placing a hand over her heart. "Is that all?" She giggled.

We stared at her like she was crazy. "What do you mean that's all? He shot ICE!" Keith hissed.

"He called himself a monster. Allura, a freak!" Hunk blinked away the tears.

she continued to laugh, "Relax this just mean you're all ready for the next part of your training. I'll explain everything after Lance wakes up."

T H I R D :

Lance thrashed in his sleep hushing all movement in the infirmary. " 'M sorry... please I'll stop." His voice was soft here all ears straining to catch what he said.

His face contorted unto a frown a thing he didn't do often in front of others. " I didn't mean it!" He was loud not a scream but not normal either. "Please, I'll be better. Please," He yelped his voice cracking as he tossed and turned finally throwing himself to a sitting position. Lance took a deep breath the memories or earlier crashing down.

He was still exhausted. Dark bags were forming on his clear tan skin, his blue eyes seemed scared and glassy with unshed tears. "I have to leave Voltron." He spoke so suddenly that all they could do was watch as he forced himself to his feet.

"Lance," Allura laughed sweetly. "I promise you're not a monster. How about all of you go freshen up and then I'll explain. "

Lance wanted to protest but he held his tongue nodding as his friends dragged him away silently. He flinched if they reached for him. The vision of then freezing upon contact glued to his brain.

They left him at his room saying they would be back in a couple minutes. So he sat staring at his walls thinking over what the hell had happened. He grabbed some clothes and hopped into the shower staring at a wall as the rain coursed over his body.

Silence was thick, suffocating any positivity he had scrounged up. So he did something he hadn't done since they left earth. Lance sang; he let the notes out with so much emotion and power. Slowly he allowed himself to dip into the beat and his muscles relaxed.

As he sang he didn't notice the sound of doors opening and closing. He didn't notice that with every pause he took his friends sat holding their breath.

"You've been killing me softly And finally the pain is too much. And I'm all out of whisky to soak up the damage you've done!" He turned off the shower forcing himself to look into his own eyes.

"If there's anything I'm guilty of It's loving you too much! If anybody asks how we died. Call it suicide, Don't fabricate. Just tell them babe. It was suicide, Don't sugarcoat it. Just let them know" Lance stood in one last second of peace before leaving the bathroom.

As the door slid open he stared at his friends wide eyed expressions. He could feel the heat creeping into his cheeks. "Hey guys. Uh how long- long have you been here?" Great now he was stuttering.

Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of "Find your element" it's an idea I was toying with for a while. This marks the new path of an original Voltron story!

Till next time, I'll see you all on the Trash Tain!


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