Up Next (edited)

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It was early when the meeting alarm went off. Two A.M exactly. Lance had been up well before then already dressed and gunning it for the kitchen. Grabbing a snack he waltzed anxiously into the training room. First Paladin there; that was new. He greeted Coran with a polite smile clearing his throat before speaking, "Morning."

"Oh Lance! You're here," Allura said wiping down the mask. "You went to bed quite early yesterday. I didn't have time to explain your results."

The teen gave her an awkward chuckle glancing behind him as the rest of his friends entered the room. "Yeah I'm sorry about that; I don't know what happened much of after you put the mask on me." Seeing the light pink tinting his ears you could hear Pidge snort.

"Yeah Bullshit."

"Pidge," Shiro said sternly. "Language." The small girl muttered a whatever space dad earning a disappointed sigh.

"You have better control of water and ice when one of us is in danger. It's like scary cool when they start activating!" Hunk chimed humoring his best bud a little.

Lance gave him a thankful smile. "Exactly. As the blue lions paladin your loyalty is your strongest trait." Coran whistled his mustache twitching in excitement.

"Alright Paladins!" Allura boomed with a smile. "Who is up for today?" They all turned away shifting from foot to foot as they avoided her hopeful gaze.

"If you guys are gonna be babies about it I'll go," Pidge snarked obviously nervous about what she would see. She handed her glasses to a mumbling Hunk.

"Brilliant." Allura pulled the green clad girl into the seat setting up the same clamp and position as the day before. The mask was a little loose allowing some light to filter through the sides and top.

She felt suddenly as if her side had been slit open her own screams making her ears ring. They were in battle lions landed and shelled from view. She was falling behind. Her friends needed her. Matt needed her. She could feel herself getting tired the yelps and Pleas from her friends drilling into her heart.

She felt warmth spread from her fingertips. She brushed them against the torn skin feeling it mend itself beneath her touch. Green like flowed warmly pumping her full of energy and life. Her blazing green eyes excited and lively.

"So cool," she muttered turning a little to fast. The shadows seemed to twist and wave. Weaving together to form an expanse of tall trees. A new scenario. She wasn't alone. The team had made camp in a small clearing. They sat around the fire chatting and cracking jokes.

"Good job out there today Keith." Shiro complimented a proud smile on both faces.

"The Gallra retreated because Hunk was a beast!" Lance beamed clapping his friend on the shoulder before plopping onto a stump with a grunt.

"Couldn't have done it without Pidge taking the barrier down."

It was tough. The fight was a surprise to them and Lances lion had taken a pretty bad beating. He had tossed her and green out of the ion cannons way. Although He seemed to brush it off she knew something was off. Faint flickers of colors surrounded them.

Hunk would laugh a brilliant yellow glow working it's tendrils into the hearts of others. Lance would be told to shut up and his blue light would turn black like a bottomless pit of darkness. Pidge continued to stay silent studying the people beside her.

Keith was fiery and bright, a red tinged with purple and grey. Shiro was a mixture of all their colors his body on high alert for a place so quiet.

It was late. The sky of this planet dusty with the palette of dusk. "So where's he castle again?" Keith groaned poking a stick into the dying embers of their fire.

"Allura And Coran had to pick up another crystal as a backup and decided we should use this as s bonding experience." Shiro explained a sleepy white tingeing his rainbow array.

"We've bonded all afternoon." Lance told him softly. "You should rest I'll take first watch. Coran will send us a message when they arrive."  Though he sat farther away from everyone his voice was clear.

Shiro shook his head. "I'm not tired."

"I am..." Hunk yawned standing to waddle over to the tented canopy. It wasn't soon after he started to snore. Despite himself Shiro had also managed to doze off. The three who were left sat in silence before Keith stood.

"I'll get us more wood."

"I already did," Lance pointed beside the stump he was on.

"When?" Pidge hadn't noticed him leave.

"Before it got dark." Lance shrugged. "You could get some more water." He suggested dryly tossing the empty canteen to the chuckling boy.  His voice sounded to raspy to be the Cuban she knew.

This whole scene is to peaceful. So far all this helped me realize is that my friends are gay idiots and I can see auras. Atleast last time I got to be a bad ass and heal myself. Pidge thought saltily  poking a stick into the bright glowing flames.

As the sun rose she found that she had fallen asleep leaning on Keith's shoulder. Who was still snoring away. Lance doused the fire noticing her confused stare.

"Don't worry the princess is on her wa-" He broke into a coughing fit so rough it woke the others up. He stumbled a little leaning his weight back on a tree he scrambled for breath.

"Lance? What's wrong?"  Shiro was by his side in a minute.

"Nothing," he wheezed half lidded eyes struggling to focus.

"Lance please," Hunk whispered touching his shoulder. He pulled his hand away. It was painted red, Sticky, and coated in something warm. They turned him around with a gasp. the back chunk of his armor was gone. Burned to nothing. His shoulders and left arm torn and hastily wrapped.

"How long?" Keith asked.
Lance didn't answer. "I said how long!" The yell snapped him back.

"The cannon," Pidge growled. "You said you were fine."  She hissed at him.

"I am I used my first aid kit."

"Lance that's not enough!" Shiro reprimanded. "Why didn't you tell us?"

"You were all so happy. So relaxed. I didn't want to ruin it. 'M sorry," he slurred skin suddenly pale and aura turning black.

"When is the castle going to get here?" Hunk yelled.

"Two or three Vargas?" He answered back eyes lollling shut. His chest moving slower.


No answer.


No answer.

Keith checked his pulse. "It's failing, what do we do?" Panic and worry filled the colors with a harsh crimson red.

"Please no... I lost one brother already..." her fingers brushed against his face gently. She channeled warmth and life into him. Pulling power from the trees around them. Pidge felt her hair drift in an invisible breeze. She could feel his skin heal and the bones snap back into place. They separated with a gasp.

The mask was off. Her honey brown eyes turned an inviting emerald. The floor of the room brushed gently with leaves and the air smelling like grass.

"Cool." She said simply putting her heavy arms in the air. Already knowing what this meant Lance trotted over with a chuckle placing her gently on his back.

"Tomorrow is another session. Rest up and train." Allura sang leaving Lance to carry a sleeping Pidge to her hideout.

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