A tattoo?

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"This planet is also suitable to for Pidges training. So, We will begin in two varga. The test results also show that the water here is void of danger. So feel free to swim." Breakfast was silent after the cheers died down. Even Lance was at a loss for words staring blankly at the table. Allura had woken everybody up so that they could finish the bond at what felt like Four thirty in the morning.

A simple quintessence exchange and seal. Pidge knocked on he table jarring the spaced out boy in front of her to his senses. As his blue eyes focused she pointed at Keith who sat looking more emo then usual. His arms crossed and his bangs over his eyes. Snickering The trio shrugged. "Hey dude, you ok? Your kinda spacing out on us." Hunk yawned leaning back in his chair.

"Not to mention you haven't touched your goo." Coran mumbled shoving a spoonful of his own into his mouth.

"I'm fine. Just thinking about something," He smiled widely before leaning his elbows on the table and eating. "You know what, You guys must be exhausted."

The paladins groaned leaving The Alteans with a air of confusion. "why would we be?" the princesses asked.

"I actually got a lovely rest last night." Coran mumbled.

Lance snorted out a small laugh, "Cause you've all been running through my mind." Hunk choked on his food.

"You snorted!"

Lance felt his ears go red. "Yeah. I guess I'm to much even for myself." this got a Chuckle from Shiro and Keith.

"Alright, take it easy. We will be spending the day patrolling and relaxing on planet-" Their leader trailed off looking at Allura for a name.

"Planet Drabunit." she supplied.

"On planet Drabunit. But for now get changed and be at the gate in-" his eyes flicked to the ticker on his wrist. "Twenty doboshes."

Like that, quiet chatter filled the halls. Keith stayed back to help Lance and Hunk clean up the dishes. When they had finished Keith toyed with the idea of telling him. It's probably now or never. He thought determination filling his bones.

"What's now or never?" Lance said placing a hand on his hip.

"Oh. Uh, can we talk for a minute?" Keith said his hands gesturing oddly down the hall. He had forgot about the bond despite using it an hour ago. Silently he cursed himself for feeling so awkward. Social confrontation was not his cup of tea.

"Sure. What's up Mullet boy?" Lances eyes twinkled mischievously like they had secrets to tell. His thoughts going to fast for Keith to keep track of.

L~ Lets take this to my room.

K~ Okay.

They reached his bed room and Lance tugged him inside. "So to what do I owe this pleasure?" His voice shook in a hidden laugh.

"I uhm. The mark on your shoulder. And uh- I, I didn't know," Keith tripped over each word not being able to explain as his face grew to the color of a tomato.

"Keith." Lance cut in with a smirk. "I know."

Two words simple and yet a weight had been lifted from his shoulders. "How?"

"On my way back with Coran I heard you and the Princess talking. The mark of a Galra mate huh?" He smiled shyly.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know how or when."

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