The rescue (changed)

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Suited up and fueled by anger. Keith led the others through the wormhole. It wasn't hard to guess which ship Lance was on. Only one of the huge cruisers was wrapped in a slick blanket of Blue ice.

Keith was ablaze the frozen metal thawing beneath every thundering foot step. He couldn't explain the anger he felt. The pain and sorrow that he experienced from Lance was horrifying. He paced right then left the walls getting slicker and the sadness growing heavier.

You didn't need a bond to feel the amount of despair in the halls. It was radiating from the very floor they skated upon. Pidge stopped in front of a Door. A slab of frozen metal with four different pad locks already shut down from the intense cold. Keith's Long fluffy ears twitched catching voices and breathing on the other side.

Shiro clenched his fists his teeth chattering as he spoke, "It has to be this one."

Team~ Lance? Are you here?

No answer.

Hunk nodded and tried to open the door. It creaked against the frost but refused to budge. Keith snarled fangs flashing in the darkness. This was already taking to long he needed to see Lance. He needed to feel his presence. His fists grew warmer until eventually the whole door was thawed and shifted open.  His body steamed in the frosty air.

Shiro had barely stepped into the room before he started to cry. Through the snow and rain they all felt it. The sadness. The pain. sound penetrated their ears. Their own voices chanting insults.

Whispers and laughter that rang out loud as the dawn.

"Turn it off," Shiro hissed hearing his own mocking tone.

"We can't." pidge said softly her flash light flickering off. It was dark, the only light being a murky blue glow in the farthest corner. Naturally with weapons poised they walked towards it.

Their footsteps echoed gently as they scanned the room. "who made all these freaky sculptures?" Hunk whispered turning one to face him.

Pidge squeaked. "Hunk, I don't think those are statues." looking closer the Cracked ice held over four different, creepy looking druids.

"You mean..." She just nodded. Hunk swallowed thickly trying not to lose his breakfast.

"Let's just focus on getting Lance out of this Hell hole." Keith said His hand adding to the dim light source.

After a minute of walking the blue glow brightened and Lances quaking form slides into view. His blood floats in rain drops turning into crimson snow flakes hat flock together to join the swirling mass of liquid that surrounded him. "Is that," Hunk couldn't finish the sentence. The words died on his tongue.

"His quintessence," Shiro paled. He didn't know much but he did know it wasn't supposed to be outside the body. And the amount of power that rolled off it made his own knees shake.

Lance's new metal leg creaked as he rocked himself back and forth. Golden eyes staring blankly at the wall behind them.

"Lance," Keith felt the fangs recede and his ears shrink. What had they done to him? A day and a half but the room looked like it hadn't been entered in months. He was frail and distant. Mouth mumbling and whole body shaking violently.

No response.

"Lance we're here to take you home." Hunk said gently.

"No no no no-no no. I said I wouldn't talk," He mumbled the hurricane freezing into sharp blades that threatened to launch.

"Weak. Useless. Failure! Those are lies right? No. The truth?" Lance stopped rocking the darkness growing tighter around his blue center.

"what are you talking about?" Keith asked.

"Listen!" Lance sobbed a shivering finger pointing into the night.

"I made a mistake. Lance you really are an idiot. You mean nothing to me," Keith no. The magic sang. Their marks pulsed violently at the sound.

"He's suffering from Corruption...We have to get His quintessence back!" Pidge panicked a few tears to slipping out of her wide brown eyes.

"How?" Hunk wanted nothing more than to reach out to his best friend but it wasn't safe.

"By showing him that we are still here for him. Reach your own energy towards the blue. We have to get all the dark stuff away." with eyes closed they focused on sending their own energy towards Him.

Pidge went first a lively and impish Green that zipped around the darkness playfully. It brought forth memories of pranks and games the trio shared at the garrison. The ink shrunk back terrified of the joy that surfaced. Shiro followed, a hearty purple that moved with Grace and Confidence. It sang praise of Lances skills and team contributions.

The darkness whistled aggressively cowering away from the pride. Hunk shouldered his way in a warm glowing yellow. The feeling of sun light and happiness that happily sauntered its way forward. Ebbing into the cracks of murky blue poison. Finally Keith flowed in.

A fiery wave of passion and love. Warm and tender. A strong enticing competitive nature made the blue shake with metaphorical laughter. Little by little the color returned until only a couple of charred spaces remained.

Their eyes opened to connect with the clear ocean ones before them.

"I'm sorry," Lance whispered his voice swept away by the sounds of negativity. The blue around him slammed against his chest. Disappearing into his being as he the swirling shards of Blood and tears fell rattling to the ground. The whole ship melted until his eyes rolled back into his head. The exhaustion finally sinking in.

Keith pulled Lance gently into his arms. "Let's get out of here."

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