A smash hit (edited)

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"Hey buddy?" Hunks voice was soft trying so hard to stay steady. It was decided he would go after breakfast.

"Hunk my man what's wrong?" Lance didn't skip a beat leaving whatever he was doing to come sit beside his friend.

"I guess I'm just a little freaked out," he scratched the back of his neck a nervous habit he had. "I mean suddenly being able to control things like elements are cool. But I haven't even gone yet and I feel like I'll do something wrong with them."

Lance smiled fondly at the gentle giant. "Your powers will only do what you allow them to do. As long as you stay calm you can control them."

Hunk let that sink in before crushing Lance in a hug. "thanks," he whispered pulling them both to their feet.

"Okay well if you still have doubt find me on the training deck, ok?" The Cuban shot his usual finger guns leaving Hunk in the kitchen.

The morning went by quickly. Breakfast, training, bonding, and finally the awakening. That's what Pidge had named it. Allura loved it, in fact she adored everything except the visions. She now felt that was a little bit much.

Hunk rocked on his heels poking his fingers together as he thought about what could go wrong. He relaxed when Lance placed a hand on his shoulder. "They only do what I let them." He told himself allowing the princess to pull the mask over his face.

He already hated it. The way the shadows dug into his his skin. Picking and choosing what memories to pull. Hunk felt like a puppet. Except his strings were tangled; lost in the darkness above. He blinked clearing away some of the black. Angry yelling reached his ears.

He already knew where he was. What this metal monster was showing him. It was the day he and Lance became friends. The reason they were so close. He turned the corner of the garrison with as much speed as he could. His eyes took in the scene before him. A mirror of the past.

Back then Hunk only knew Lance as a bunk mate. Since first year students usually didn't have time to make friends.

Here Lance stared down at the floor his hands curled in fists. Books scattered on the floor. Two other cadets in front yelling at him. Shoving him into the wall. Lance did nothing. Just mumbled gentle responses. This hall was usually empty since no one liked to read at the library. They had timed it perfectly.

Hunk had always had his suspicions. Looking back Lance always was weary of people around him. He never talked more than a sentence or two and was always timid in the midst of loud noises.

"McLame! How the hell you even get into this school?" One snickered poking his short stumpy fingers into the pinned boys chest.

"Yeah you're so bad at flying you make the rest of the first years look like Shiro." The taller one slammed him again. The bullies were both third years. And they were both asshats.

"I-" they didn't let him speak. Cutting his sentence off with a punch to the jaw.

"Hey I wasn't finished!" The short one growled. God everyone hated Parker. The kid thought he owned the school.

Lance reached up and touched his face muttering something in Spanish. "English dumb ass! Your not in whatever hole you crawled out of." John, the taller boy hissed.

That was the breaking point. Hunk swerved out so fast. Unable to help the rumble that boomed from his chest.

"Hey! I think you two should leave." He said lowly crossing his arms. The floor shook. Rocks bouncing on the concrete outside.

"Or What Garret? You'll tell on us? Come on Lance, tell him that we're just having so fun," They laughed hands tightening painfully around his already bruised wrists. Lance gave him a what are you doing look.

"Hunk, please. Everything is okay." Lances voice had a heavy accent the words slow and careful. Like he was thinking hard about how to say them.

"No, but you'll wish I did. Last chance go." Parker gave lance one last slam before stepping back. "Wrong move," Hunk fist swung cleanly popping the boy in the eye. John pulled back turning on his heels dragging his junkie away. The scene didn't bother finishing since it didn't get what it wanted.

It shifted settling on a barren wasteland of nothing. Rocks stabbed out of the ground in sharp groups. His friends were gone. The lions destroyed in front of him.  In between the rubble Footsteps moved the gravel at his feet. Zarkon growled out s laugh. The paladins of Voltron bound and unconscious at his feet.

Hunk started to panic watching as the emperor paced between his team. "Yellow paladin! What a pleasure." he planted a foot on shiros chest earning a soft grunt. Hunk stepped forward, "Not so fast." sentries trailed their guns to the temples of each of his friends.

"What do you want?" his voice shook. Not in fear but in anger.

"A trade." A smile curled his lips flashing his alabaster fangs. "I wish for a paladin of my own. Just one then you can take the rest and leave."

"no!" Hunk felt a strength blossom up in his chest. He felt warm. He pressed his hands into the earth lifting up two floating fists of stone.

He swung his arm and all the sentries were encased and crushed in rock pillars. His friends were lifted gently onto their own little islands. Hunk felt his hands fly towards The hulking mass of purple armor the giant fists copying his every move.

They connected with a sickening crunch sending the Gallra leader soaring. With him gone Hunk scrambled towards his family until the mask was off. The floor rumbled as cracks outlined the spaces between feet. He felt warmth on his face, the glow of his golden eyes dying back to brown.

He looked at Lance. They both nodded reliving the scene on earth. "Well hunk your powers seem to be protective as well." Shiro said slightly awkward.

Coran guided the tired boy to his room as Pidge nudged Lances arm. Watching as black completely consumed the bright baby blue glow. "Tomorrow," he whispered turning to leave. "I will explain when Hunk is awake."

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