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Lance woke up to the feeling of ice against his skin. His ice, vibrant and pulsing with fear.

The once purple room was blue with frost.He noticed the cuffs on his wrist were separated from the chains. The cold long since shattered the metal. He sat on his knees with nothing but his trunks and his thoughts.

His shifted into a sitting position wincing at the sound of metal on metal. The shackles on his ankles held fast rubbing the skin raw. It was quiet, nothing but his heart beat.


The words jumbled in his head. But he knew the sound.

L~ Keith?

K~ ye- it's me. L-nc wher- re- ou?

L~what? His eyebrows furrowed in concentration. 

K~ Lance? Oh thank god. Are you okay? Where are you!

L~I'm ok... I don't know what ship I'm on yet. How long have I been out?
Lance felt the way his own stomach twisted in fear and tried his best to reassure his boyfriend.

L~ Hey. It's ok. Was anybody hurt? Are you all safe.

K~ You were out for a whole day. Everyones just worried about you. Lance, why? His thoughts were tired and terrified.

L~ *laughter* because. I love you all dearly. Especially you.

K~ You id-

His door blasted open sending shards of ice flying. "Paladin. " a pair of Galra growled hoisting him to his feet. He wanted them to freeze, But he was still to tired. He barely had the energy to stand on his own.

As they touched him the mark on his shoulder glowed an angry red. They both pulled away quickly blushing deeply beneath their helms.
The one on his left hissed dragging the other back into the hall. As they argued in hushed tones Lance leaned against the wall. His knees shaking from exhaustion.

L~ Keith? The soldiers can't touch me. Everytime they try the get embarrassed.

No answer. But he could feel the curiosity Keith projected.

Haggar waltzed in a little later the two behind her sheepishly. Behind them were three more Druids each with a different mask. "You didn't tell us he had a mate." the taller one said. His ruff voice Angry and uncomfortable.

"Does it really matter? This just means more fun." The witch blasted them with her magic. "Weak fools. This is no time for Old traditions or values!" her voice was just as menacing as her appearance. Lance fought the shudder that ran up his spine. Looking into her violent yellow eyes he held his gaze with hatred.

"I won't talk." He barked, she watched his quintessence flare at the idea of protecting the others.

"I knew you wouldn't little Ice mage."She savored his flinch at the nickname. Licking her leathery lips in anticipation. "I have many plans for you and our beautiful blue."

"The blue Lion is safely hidden with the others." He said.

"Not that blue. Your very being, the quintessence you hold. You are going to be our greatest weapon."


The team hadn't stopped working since leaving the planets range. The troops had retreated after Lance was captured leaving them with a clean get away. Tensions were suffocating, Usually they had Lance to ease their minds. But not this time. The paladins of Voltron were falling apart.

No one but Keith could reach him with the link.

"How come Keith can talk to Lance?" Hunk asked.

"Well-" Keith looked to Allura who nodded.

"Lance and Keith have another bond separate from the team link. Because Keith is part Galra it's only natural for him to have chosen a mate. The 'Tattoo' Lance had on his shoulder is the Mark he and Keith share." after the princess finished explaining the other Paladins stared at keiths own mark in amazement.

"so," pidge smirked the fear leaving her face briefly. "You two are dating?"

The red paladin nodded continuing to pace the length of he control room. Occasional flames snaking around his fists and Blazing eyes. "Keith I'm sure Lance is ok. No other Galra can harm him. It's in their tradition. And from what Lance has said it still is." Coran did his best for a smile but it fell short. Only Shiro knew what those monsters were capable of.

"Then why am I so anxious?"

"It's more than likely the distance. Mates aren't good at being apart from each other." The princess laid a hand on his shoulder. "You must remain calm. For Lances sake."

Shiro pulled Keith into a tight hug. "We'll bring him home." no sooner than the words left his lips Keith collapsed on the floor.

Screaming in pain he grabbed his right leg. The others could do nothing but watch in horror as he continued to twitch and scream. Purple fur began to cover his body and his teeth sharpened into fangs. His ears popped and cracked as hey grew longer and fluffier. He growled in pain still releasing the blood curdling sound.

"Allura! What's happening?" Hunk was the first to kick into action carefully moving Keith to the couch.

"Lance is in pain," Coran whispered.

"Then why is it only his leg?" Pidge asked as Keith continued to shift and pant. The pain bringing tears to his eyes.

"The blue lion." Shiro said. "Lance forms Voltrons Right leg."

"Haggar," Keith whimpered. "Something about a weapon? His quintessence."

"She's breaking the heart of Voltron... She doesn't want information. She Want to corrupt his powers. We need to hurry."

The pain lasted Four Vargas. Keith stared at the ceiling covering him ears. He couldn't reach Lance anymore. That or he just wasn't responding. It didn't matter that the searing, boiling hot pain was gone. The thoughts, the screams. Still bounced around in his skull. He say a flash of a map and bolted up.

"The center of the Quaptrillion Gorphet galaxy." He yelled. Pidge nodded and typed it in to her computer.

K~ Hang on Lance. We're on our way. I'm coming.

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