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Keith carried Lance to his room. Two days had passed and even that had been to long. Under two Blankets Lance shivered until Keith laid next to him. His nose twitched inhaling deeply.

Placing a gentle kiss on his forehead Keith snuggled under the blankets and drifted off.

In the dream Lance was back in his cell. The place was burned into his memory. He could recall the exact dimensions. Six blocks long
Four blocks wide.

Then after his leg was removed he remained in a cavarn. It was to big to count especially in the darkness. Once again he could feel the ground beneath him slick with his own blood. He could smell the rust. The air was cold. And the sounds. This time it was only the witch, her yellow eyes tearing deep into his being as she brought the magic saw down his leg. The muscles burning as they were viciously torn and shredded.

He screamed in pain, trying desperately to struggle off the metal table he was strapped to. The freezing temperature cracked the restraints but exhaustion and pain had taken a toll. The druids were speared by frosty poles of pointed ice.

Her fingers grazed his back. He couldn't move. He felt her nails dig into his shoulder. Carving the new brand into his skin. "You will be our greatest general after the transfer is complete. Even if you leave us, I can bring you back."

He threw himself into a sitting position. Breathing heavy and scarce. He muttered to himself crying quietly into his hands. Keith was up within seconds calming him down and placing kisses all over his face and hands.

"Lance you're ok. I'm right here. You are in the castle with your friends." Keiths voice was all he needed to hear. He settled against his boyfriends chest listening to the calming heartbeat of the man he loved.

He was ok.

He was in love.

He wasn't alone.

"I love you," he mumbled into the darkness.

He could feel Keith's laughter. "I love you too."

And that's a wrap guys! Thanks for sticking out this short story. I know this wasn't the ending I had originally mapped out but with how busy I've been I wanted to make sure you guys got one. I would have hated to forget to write the end chapter. Anyways I hope you guys enjoyed find your element! And a new story will be up tomorrow!!

Till next time. I'll catch you all on the Trash Train.


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