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Dealing with a Stark was not an easy job. It was full effort or nothing when it came to them. You let them out of your sight or strict rules for a few moments and they mess something up. Sometimes it ended in an explosion, other times it ended with a man destroying robot. Fury had been experiencing the mayhem that is and was Tony Stark for years. He was after all the reason why Tony Stark was in front of him swearing right now.

He'd made a decision a good decade and a half ago that a child of Tony Stark was and would be a disaster. The mother of the child disagreed with this view but also agreed it be for the better if the kid got to live a normal life away from the chaos that is and was Tony Stark and the Avengers. That was until said child was put in danger even without the man known as Tony Stark being in their life.

So here Fury stood, the consequences of his actions being displayed in front of him as Tony Stark fumed with rage, his face twisting with anger as he shouted and yelled how could he do this. How Fury was supposed to be his ally, not his enemy. How if not for the laws that could put him in jail he'd strangle the head of SHIELD with his own hands till Fury couldn't breathe again. How Fury had taken his only chance of a kid away from him.

Tony Stark was an ego machine. He'd run off the money he made off weapons to start with. Then one of his own weapons nearly murdered him, so he started to run off motivation and regret, trying to correct his actions. He gave up his life to the Avengers either way though. A man once so selfish and proud that when he was literally dying he refused to let anyone know as he fought to find his own cure. If he would sacrifice all he did for the Avengers Fury could only imagine what the reformed Stark would and could do for his own kid, his family by blood. And that's what had scared Fury. The thought that Stark would do anything for his adopted family and how that potential and love and dedication would be tenfold if he turned his life to this child that with one cry could possibly pull Iron Man from battle, leaving the Avengers, and the world, to lose.

"YOU ASSHOLE!" Tony fumed, his hands slamming down on the front of Fury's desk in anger as he glared at the director of SHIELD. "You kept this away from me for over 16 years! You took away my child! MY DAUGHTER! And you never told me!" he slapped his hands down onto Fury's deck his fingers, rolling underneath his hands turning them into clenched fists.

"Stark," Fury stated coolly, his face expressionless as he watched the man in front of him rave in anger. "Both the mother and I agreed it was in the child's best interest. It was during the Infinity War and the Skull Invasion was just beginning. Your thoughts couldn't be on a pregnant woman," Fury replied in warning. He wasn't going to be one to hesitate if Stark decided that this needed to get physical.

"And yet you allowed Rogers to raise his kids! Thor too! You let practically every other Avenger besides me to raise their own kids! Or should I include Hawkeye too, in being left out of the Parent Avengers club, because you had a hand in that too!" he spat pushing off the desk and turning away from the director.

"I had no hand in Hawkeye's daughter's situation Stark. And the others knew about their kids because they were told. They made the choice too help those kids when they got stuck here. The woman carrying your child was not in contact with you and was looking out for the well being of their child. I wasn't going to stop her from making the decision, I just helped her set-up the kid with a foster family that I thought was going to be the best fit," Fury explained cooly, as he pulled open a desk drawer before pulling out a folder.

Stark sighed, slowly calming down as he ran a hand through his hair in frustration.

"Fine. Let's say I believe you that this was for her best. Why tell me now? You and I both know you could have easily kept this a secret from me for the rest of my career as Ironman, or even for the rest of my life. I don't see the point as to why you'd tell me now," he uttered the harsh truth that came with the feeling that he'd abandoned his daughter.

Fury said nothing as he put the file on his desk and pushed it to the front of his desk with three fingers. Simply letting Stark pick up the signal that whatever information the Billionaire wanted would be in the files.

Tony stared at the plain tan folder for a moment or two, hesitating. He opened it his life would be changed forever. He didn't and he could walk out of the room. It wasn't just information on his daughter Fury was giving him with this folder but an ultimatum. Walk out and never speak of this again..... Or be faced with the harsh truth that he was a father, something he always wanted to be yet was so afraid of being in case he repeated what his father did with him with his own kid. Either way, his life was changed now, he had a daughter, the question now was whether or not he was going to do something about it. It was a blink of an eye before the decision was made. He would not run from this.

Tony snatched up the folder before flipping it open. Inside were pictures of a family of three. In a photo one large African man was smiling brightly, his arm wrapped around a woman with black hair to his right. She was giving a slight grin as if she was acting that she was being forced to grin when in reality she had no dispute to do so. Pinned in between the two was a young girl which Tony could only conclude was his daughter at around age 10. She was smiling the biggest out of the trio. Tony could have sworn his heart melted at the sight. He shuffled through the rest of the photos, each one of his daughter at a different age, all the way back till she was about 5 months to the most recent one dating a year ago. When the photos got to when the girl was around 11 another baby girl started appearing in some photos. Sometimes Danny Rand would appear in certain photos.

Then he picked up the file info sheet which summarized everything.

    Taylor Maria Jones (Stark)
    Age: 17
    Birthdate: May 4th
    Biological Parents: Tony Stark, CLASSIFIED
    Foster Parents: Luke Cage, Jessica Jones.
    Education: Senior at Mid-Town High, expected to attend NYU (Working to Confirm)
    Powered: Yes
    Abilities: Object Teleportation.  Weapon Proficiency

Tony put the file down, closing it but not shifting it over to Fury, leaving the file in front of him signaling that he wasn't letting Fury take the file back. His Daughter had his mother's name in her own. Whoever had been her mother had at least acknowledged his love for his late mother. Secretly he thanked God for that.

"So what's the problem. You didn't exactly put the problem in the file from what I could see," he stated, taking a seat in one of the leather seats Fury had opposite his deck.

"It's Loki," Fury responded bluntly, "He's building an army of mutant and enhanced teens. He'd go after the other Avengers' kids but they're all trained or highly protected. He wants to be able to hit you where it hurts. I have sources working on how he found out about Taylor but so far no leads. Our best guess though is that he's going to go after her, and soon."

"So what's our best bet to get her and under our protection first," Tony questioned fully dedicated as he shifted in his seat to get more comfortable.

Fury only grinned, standing up and walking over to the window of his office that overlooked the Potomac River. "We send in the Avengers and J.As undercover... As Teachers and students."

"Wait, you expect me to act like a teacher!?!" Tony exclaimed in shock, practically jumping up out of his seat, "What makes you so sure I and the other Avengers can pull that off."

"I'm not," was all Fury replied with before turning towards Stark, "That's what's going to make this interesting."

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