Chapter 6

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Things to take note of in differences between Original version and this rewrite-

This chapter focuses on building and reinforcing Taylor's and Tony's relationship. Here we get to view what will later be the foundations of Taylor and Tony's relationship.

The Shake Shack they choice was fairly empty. Then again, the fact it was just around 11 on a Weekday in a non-tourist area. They were seated in the back corner, Tony having a Yankees baseball cap on his head and the pair of sunglass he was wearing when they walked in on the table next to him. The two both had a milkshake, fries, and a burger of their choice.

There hadn't been much conversation between the two of them since they left the brownstone with all of Taylor's things packed in the trunk of the car. Tony had tried to initiate a conversation a few times but Taylor had yet to carry any of them, the shock and reality that her old life had ended still settling in. The most words she'd said had been when she was ordering her lunch.

They sat awkwardly across from each other, Taylor finishing up her burger before moving towards her shake and fries. They didn't make any move or action to try and pick up a conversation again.

"Why?" Taylor asked suddenly out of nowhere as she dipped a fry in her shake.

Tony's head snapped up from looking at his food. "Why what?" He asked in response confused by what she was asking.

"Why did you agree to foster me?" Taylor asked looking up at the billionaire across from her. "There were probably a dozen different choices so why would you say yes?"

"Fury asked I said yes," Tony answered.

"Bullshit. Not a lot of people want to take on a kid that's not their own, even fewer want one who's a teenager and maybe a danger to bring into the home," she responded bitterly.

"Alright. Fine... Also, you're not a danger," Tony told her, but by the look on her face, he could see she was having none of it. "Ok... Well, when it was determined you'd stay in the tower as a safety precaution there were a lot of factors," he started.

"I'm one of the few in the tower who doesn't have a family. Capsicle and Red have their mini assassin and super soldier, so it wasn't right you get thrown in a family that was already occupied with kids. That also eliminated T'challa, but he spends most his time in Wakanda so he was out anyway. Legolas and his wife are still getting used to having their kid back so that be awkward for you. Hammer and Jane have their kid and foster Loki's kid already so that also be weird. The Lang's don't live in the tower even as they split their time between New York and San Fran. Danvers just starting to finish getting over the death of her husband so she was out. Then there was Wanda... She's still not mentally stable after losing her sons 2 years ago, plus she already has her hands full with her niece. That really left Bruce and I," Tony finished explaining.

"So why not Bruce?" Taylor questioned.

"Because he's always nervous about Hulking out around kids. Betty really calmed him down but he's still afraid that he'd hurt someone. That really just left me," Tony answered.

"But why. You could have said no or nothing. But you said yes. You're trying to make me comfortable. You're trying to connect with me, get to know me when you could easily just make it easier for yourself and just ignore me. So why are you trying so hard?" Taylor inquired, wanting to know why Tony was trying so hard.

Tony sighed. "My father wasn't always around when I was a kid. The closest thing I had to a father figure was our butler Edward Jarvis, who was so much more than a butler to our family. My mother was around more often than my father but that wasn't a lot in comparison to how much Jessica was been in your life," He explained, "When they... died, the only thing I had left was the company my father left behind. Pepper's been the closest thing I've had to family. I didn't have any kids during my partying days. I can't decide if that's a good thing or bad thing," he admitted.

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