Chapter 1

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Things to take note of in differences between Original version and this rewrite-

Dustin is now named Leifr who goes by Leif. Because Dustin isn't exactly a Norwegian name or realistic name that I can imagine Thor naming his son. Leif has some history behind it and is actually associated with Vikings. On top of that, the meaning of Leif is descendant, heir, so I thought it more fitting Thor could name his son this.

Jillian doesn't really exist anymore and has turned into Gabriella "Gabby" Kinney. If you read the current Wolverine run you know who this is. If not, essentially Logan's clone, Laura, gets a clone of her own. Logan still exists he's just in the estranged dad role with Laura being her primary guardian as her sister.

I've discovered in my last 3 years of life that most comic book stores don't open until around 11 am. So our original opening doesn't work. The meeting of James and Taylor has since been updated.

It's less conspicuous in this rewrite that SHIELD is taking over the school.

Taylor Maria Jones was not one interested in beating around the bush. When she went into a bookstore she knew what she wanted. When she went to a cafe, she knew what she wanted. When she ordered at a restaurant she knew what she wanted. Her parents had taught her to be direct when she wanted something. Sometimes it was ok to be pushy when needed or when someone was being an ass. And she considered the man in front of her to be an ass.

She'd just stopped at the cafe to get a lemon poppy seed muffin and an earl gray tea. She didn't want the man in front of her arguing with the now frightened cashier over how he was being asked to pay more than the listed amount and how his discount for another cafe should work at this one. The man was getting on her nerves and she was going to be late for school if this kept up the way it did. This man was probably just as stubborn as her mother and that was saying something.

Taylor sighed before lightly poking the man on his back in order to grab his attention. She began to muster all the kindness she could, plastering a smile on her face as she prepared to ask him kindly to pay or get out of the way. There were another 15 people behind her wanting their own morning caffeine boost or breakfast.

"What!" The man barked in rage, snapping his head towards Taylor before his body followed.

"Sir," Taylor began, the smile on her face wavering as she saw the clear irritation that the man showed, "I was just wondering if you could please just pay or step out of line? The rest of us really have places to be," she tried to explain as kindly as possible. She'd started fiddling her thumbs in nervousness as to how the man would react.

"And you think I don't?" the man hissed taking a threatening step towards Taylor. "Listen here you little brat," he hissed once more as he stepped closer. He towered over 17-year-old Taylor by a good head. He could easily injure her probably if he wanted to and if she wasn't trained in self-defense.

Taylor straightened herself, her smile dropping as she prepared herself for a fight. She could handle herself if needed. Then he lifted her hand to slap her. Before Taylor could react or dodge a hand had caught the arm of the hand that was flying towards her face. Her eyes traced the hand that had caught the punch up the arm and to its owner.

Before her stood a boy who looked to be around her age with fiery red hair that reminded her of the color of Autumn. He looked fit for his age and his ice blue eyes were drilling into the man who'd just tried to punch her.

"I suggest you leave," the boy sneered at the man.

The man in response huffed in annoyance pulling his hand back from the boy's own before stalking off in a rage out of the cafe.

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