Chapter 11

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Things to take note of in differences between the Original version and this rewrite-

Now that we've dove into Taylor's past a little and Syds it's time for most of the other Avenger's kids! I hinted at their arrival and introduction in the last chapter but here we dive in more.

I've also come to realize that this section has become more my thoughts then noting differences

The following days were amazing. With the school in ruins and Taylor stuck at home and no longer hiding in her room she was getting the chance to get to know both Pepper and Tony. She spent two days following Pepper around, seeing what it was like to be CEO of Stark Industries. There was the unspoken knowledge that Taylor would now be the one to inherit Stark Industries so she knew she'd probably have to learn about the company.

It was helpful though cause Tony tried to get her mind off of the idea of taking on the burden of the company eventually by showing her his lab and giving her full access to the tower and labs to match both his and Pepper's level. When he told her this he said the only person who wasn't a Stark and had full access to the entire tower including his labs was Rhodey, though he did consider the boys as Starks.

When asked what about FRIDAY, Tony answered with a grin "I said who wasn't a Stark." Taylor could only imagine that only Tony Stark would consider an AI apart of the family. Though he wasn't wrong. FRIDAY quickly became a staple of the day, helping Taylor get up in time to leave with Pepper, giving her directions around the tower, making snarky comments at Tony with her. Ganging up with her and Pepper against Tony.

Taylor could tell how at dinner Tony and Pepper avoided more serious topics, that was until the 3rd night after she'd started joining them for dinner. Tony had tried making dinner, which had ultimately failed when he'd forgotten what temperature to put the slow cooker on and just put it on the lowest setting meaning when he went to check on it, it had been too undercooked. With no time to fully cook it before dinner, they'd decided to order pizza, Tony ordering one giant meat lover pizza.

Taylor was grabbing her first slice when Tony brought it up.

"Alright so there are a few things we need to discuss tonight kiddo," Tony stated as he grabbed a slice for himself.

"Don't call me kiddo," Taylor huffed in annoyance taking a bite of her slice before continuing, "What is it?"

"Well we wanted to discuss your schooling, both finishing your senior year and college," Pepper explained, noticing how Tony was too busy eating his own slice to respond to Taylor. "The school, due to property damage can't reopen until earliest after New Years'. So Tony and I were talking and we've come up with a solution."

"We're gonna have you homeschooled. You already have your ACTs and SATs, NYU is already looking to recruit you for the hockey team, you can do an independent study and the AP tests you were gonna take at the end of the year can still be done," Tony continued.

"But I need to have grades to show if I want to get a scholarship," Taylor tried to point out. She was gonna go to college. She just was worried she wouldn't be able to pay for it on her own.

"That brings us to our next point. You're already a National Merit Finalist, so NYU will probably give you a scholarship, but both Pepper and I have agreed that we're gonna pay for you to attend whatever school you choose to go to. Even if it means paying full at NYU," Tony answered.

"What? No. You don't have to do that," Taylor argued. She barely knew them and here they were trying to pay for her college.

"Taylor, we're not going to take no as an answer," Pepper responded.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2020 ⏰

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