Chapter 4

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    Things to take note of in differences between Original version and this rewrite-

The Avenger team isn't the original line up that debuted in 2012.

So those who have read the original book remember that brief moment when Taylor's real mom was revealed. In this book there'll be more of a dive in into this and it plays a bigger role. That arc technically starts at the end of this chapter but isn't revealed here.

Avengers Tower had been towering over New York for years now, becoming an iconic part of the New York skyline a good decade ago. Taylor had of course been inside the tower before on school field trips, but she hadn't been to the tower in years now. And she never imagined that she'd go past the public areas of the tower.

    After Luke had come back upstairs with a crying Dani in his arms. He grabbed the unconscious Gabby, and the 5 of them piled into Luke's Range Rover. They then speeded downtown towards the tower. By the time they got there Gabby had woken up and was pissed, but silent when Taylor tried to ask about her claws.

    Now they stood in the private elevator of Stark Tower. Dani had fallen asleep and was clinging to Luke now. Jessica had a pissed off look on her face. Gabby was silent, her face emotionless. Her sister Laura had been called, and would meet them at the tower. Taylor, though silent, was shifting her weight nervously.

    She was in a new environment. She was in Avengers Tower. Why would they bring her to Avengers Tower? They always hesitated to bring her here before. Giving her random excuses like she wasn't allowed, or it was too dangerous, or that it wasn't that interesting to meet the Avengers and their kids. Why would they change their minds now?

    The door opened on the 60th floor of the tower and when it did it revealed a 13 year old girl. Her hair was a dirty blonde that had been pulled back into a ponytail, leaving Taylor to guess that when it was undone it would reach the girl's shoulders naturally, and she had emerald green eyes.

    "They sent me to lead you to conference room. It'll just be you, Tony, Fury, and my dad," the girl explained.

    Jessica gave a light smile, "Thank you Sarah," she responded as the girl turned away to lead them down the hall before Jessica turned to Luke and Gabby, "You guys know the situation so you can head to the common room," she told them before walking down the hall after Sarah.

    Taylor looked torn for a second confused as to if she should follow Jessica or go with Luke. Then Luke nodded in the direction of his wife, signalling that Taylor should follow her foster mom. Taylor hesitated for a moment more before jogging down the hallway to catch up with Jessica and Sarah.

    It didn't take long before they arrived at their destination. Jessica quickly thanked Sarah who replied with a your welcome before walking off leaving the two outside the conference room door.

    Jessica let out a sigh before turning to Taylor, "I know this is confusing. I can't explain to you right now why this is happening but trust me... this is all for your well being," Jessica tried to explain.

    In Taylor's opinion she couldn't be more vague...

    But Taylor had no opportunity to voice her concern about how in the dark she was here, or how she was so turned around that she had no clue what would be happening. Or even why she had to go to the Avengers for this situation. By the time she gained enough courage to ask, her foster mom was already walking into the conference room.

    The room was a high class one with a large circular table in the center of the room with the Avengers logo laminated onto the top of the table. 9 chairs surrounded the table, 6 representing the original line up of Avengers who had fought during the Battle of New York.

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