Chapter 10

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Things to take note of in differences between Original version and this rewrite-

With Taylor's parentage fully revealed we now have to dive into the repercussions of all this and Taylor's acceptance if she chooses to do so.

Sydney's past though mainly the same does have some changes, and those will be investigated in this chapter.

While I like Hawkeye's movie family, I've thrown them to the wind and say that his wife is Bobbie Morse aka Mockingbird and the kids when he brought the Avengers to his farmhouse in Age of Ultron were his sisters. So the Avenger's met his sister, his niece and nephews, and Bobbi. 

Taylor had been hiding out in her room for the past two days. After the revelation about her parentage, she tried not to run into Tony or Pepper. She left her room and wondered only places she knew neither of them would be. She knew there were other people, teens and kids in the building because sometimes she could hear giggles and screams of laughter coming through the vents and corridors when she walked around.

She'd also ran into a 10-year-old boy with blue eyes and black hair in the elevator one day when she'd tried to find the ice rink again. He quickly introduced himself as Pym before exiting the elevator.

Pepper and Tony had tried to coax her out of her room multiple times. Tony asking if she wanted to come join him in the lab and work on a project. Pepper had been more subtle with her attempts. Knocking at times saying dinner was ready and sitting on the counter if she wanted some. Later on when she'd go out to grab something to eat there was always a plate of food with a note that said what time it was made and the amount of time it should be run in the microwave to get it to the best temperature.

That's why it hadn't been that surprising when at 3 pm in the afternoon a knock came on her door. She expected it to be Tony, Pepper was almost always at work at this time and the only time she ever really knocked were at times when you'd eat a meal. It threw her off though when the voice didn't offer her the opportunity to make something or blow something up.

She then heard rattling like the person had a key and was unlocking her door. Taylor quickly stood up at this ready to yell at Tony, that if he wanted her to think about this he should at minimum respect her privacy. Then the door swung open and there stood Sydney, in an oversized purple Sweater and black leggings.

"We need to talk," she stated walking into the room and closing the door behind her.

"How the hell are you here?" Taylor questioned, watching Syd stalk across the room and plopping down in her bungee chair.

"In the tower or in your room?" She questioned, "Cause if in your room is the question I stole the key from Tony with Sarah's help. But if the question is in the tower, it is because I actually live here part-time and you can't really kick me out," she explained.


"Oh ya I guess no one told you. Our parents aren't actually teachers. They were just posing as some because your biological father wanted to make sure you had adequate protection in case you were attacked. As you can see that was sort of shit but also useful in the end," she answered, grabbing the bowl of M&Ms off Taylor's bedside table.

"Then who the hell are your parents?" Taylor snapped. Sydney had no right to barge in here like this, and eat her food.

"Hawkeye and Mockingbird. Though no one really knows who my mom is cause she mostly does undercover work," She answered. "And I didn't know about that till about 2 years ago and found out much in a manner like yours."

Taylor, about to interrupt her, fell silent at the second half for a good moment or so before responding.

"What do you mean you found out much like I did?" Taylor questioned.

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