Chapter 5

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Things to take note of in differences between Original version and this rewrite-

Taylor's confusion and emotions over this event are complicated so it's not gonna be a straightforward relationship between her and Tony, cause when are things ever that simple.

This is a filler chapter. No major action. Not all chapters can be action because as I've learned, to connect to characters you have to understand them. This chapter helps to develop this understanding.

Taylor woke up to sun in her eyes. She never woke up to sun in her eyes, so it was an unpleasant experience. Her room faced the west, plus, there were so many tall buildings around their brownstone that it was rare to even get sun to stream through as strong as it was now. So she slowly opened her eyes.

It hadn't been a horrible nightmare.... She was still in avengers tower. Everything that had happened yesterday wasn't just a badly constructed dream. She wasn't going to wake up back at Jessica and Luke's place with Danielle jumping up and down on her bed trying to wake her up for breakfast.

Taylor rolled out of bed slowly trying to get use to the brightness of the empty room. The guest room Tony had put her in was giant in comparison to her old bedroom, though she hadn't expected less, this was Tony Stark. The room was pretty generic, having no homey touches or sign that it been used in the past 2 years. The only difference now from when she went to bed was a folded set of clothes with a note on top sat on the bench at the end of the bed.

Taylor picked up the note to read it.

Tony told me you'd be staying with us for a while and that you didn't have anything you brought with you yet. Managed to snag these from Hawkeye's daughter who's the same age as you to wear. Tony should be up by 8 if Friday actually manages to get him up out of bed. There are poppy seed muffins in the kitchen to help yourself too. -Pepper (Tony's Wife)

Taylor put the note to the side picking up the graphic tee and jeans Pepper had gotten her. The shirt was a grey color and on the front was the symbol of the phoenix force in its natural red, orange, and yellow colors. Taylor quickly put it on greatful to get out of the clothes she'd been wearing for the last 24 hours or more.

She quickly glanced at the clock which stated that it was a quarter past 8 am. She sighed. She couldn't hide in this empty and lonely room forever. She slowly made her way out of the room, not hearing any noise as she made her way back to the living room of the floor which was also connected to the kitchen.

There was a brown bag sitting on the counter of the kitchen island. This time a gold sticky note was stuck to the front.

In lab. Ask Friday if you need anything. Ice rink? on level 35 if you want to skate. We'll leave at around 10 -Tony

"Who's Friday?" Taylor asked in confusion as she set the sticky note down.

"Hello Taylor," an automated voice filled the room, almost causing Taylor to drop her muffin as she let out a yelp of shock. Taylor had heard about the AI a few years ago but in the moment had completely forgotten that Friday existed.

"Oh ya. Hi Friday," Taylor responded, after she'd gotten over her shock about the AI, taking a bite out of her muffin. "What does Tony mean by Ice Rink?"

"Mr. Stark installed an Ice Skating Rink on the 35th level at Mrs. Romanoff's request years ago for Ice Skating. It also has hockey equipment if you'd like to use it," Friday explained.

"Alright.... Thank you Friday," Taylor thanks her, "Could you give me directions to the rink?"

Automatically lights on the floor lit up, creating a pathway towards the elevator. Taylor followed the trail, knowing this was Friday's work. The elevator doors opened for her as soon as she came close to them, opening without Taylor needing to push a button. Probably Friday again. The elevator took her down to the 35th floor and before she knew it she was walking next to an ice rink.

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