The new teacher

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Samantha Pond sighed as she sat in the empty conference room. She was the first one to arrive. She had always been punctual. For school to her time in London as a heroine. Her motto was 'five minutes earlier was still late'. Twenty minutes early. That gave her time to collect herself and her satchel. It also gave her time to sip on and enjoy her coffee. Tea never took her fancy, coffee kept her alert except this American tea that had far more caffeine than coffee but she didn't have that.

She took this job with hesitant hands. It was a great opportunity but she had to move away from her home in England. She eventually accepted that teaching would be the next chapter in her life and took up the position. Sam was one of two teachers that were starting at U.A, this year. Her and All Might. The symbol of peace and justice. All Might and little ole Militia.

Militia is her hero name, she was popular in Europe and in the States but never saw the reason to set up shop in Japan. Especially when most of the top tier pro heroes have their agencies set up all about Japan. It seemed like a fools errand. Her quirk was unique. Weapons. She could create weapons and armor at will. Guns to swords. Daggers to claymores. Armor that could survive apocalyptic situations or armor that aided her endurance. Militia was the perfect hero name for her. London had once dubbed her; Militia, the one woman army. Sam was quite proud of that. She even had tea with the queen on most Sundays which was still a honored thing. The queen doesn't have tea with every aspiring hero. Still she was no match for All Might as the school's gossip, Sam was fine with that. He could have the spot light, she didn't want it.

The summer previous, she'd packed up her small apartment on the river and moved to Japan. Chemistry, Biology, Forensics, Physics and General Science were her subjects to teach at U.A. and she had a classroom and a adjoined laboratory at her disposal. That gave her the whole summer to set up her room. To add her own personal touches, familiarize herself the the schools' grounds and set up a teaching program for her classes. Sam thought that U.A. had way too much money that they blew on everything. It was almost ridiculous but all things considered, they were teaching the next generation of heroes.

"Oh! Hello, Sammy!" A chirpy voice yelled. She winced, so long quiet. Present Mic was a nice guy, extremely social but really loud. When Sam first met him, he didn't call her; Sam or Samantha or even Ms. Pond. Just Sammy, only Sammy. Hizashi Yamada or Yamada Hizashi was quite a character. Sam still wasn't used to the naming ways of Japan.

"Hello, Yamada." Sam smiled, pushing burgundy curls out of her face.

He frowned. "Hey, call me Hizashi! We are friends, now."

"Alright... Hizashi." Sam said, trying very hard not to mispronounce his name.

"Aww, Shouta! Hear how cute she says my name? I love your accent, Sammy my dear!" Hizashi laughed, throwing a arm around the baffled woman. Sam turned to spot the dark dressed man. A extremely long scarf was wrapped around his neck that doubled as his capture weapon. Shouta had long dark hair that was wavy and unkempt. Scruff framed a serious, pale mouth. He didn't seem like he was a pro hero. Burgundy eyes flew to the dark haired man for help. Sam blushed, a dark scarlet spreading across pale cheeks in shame.

"Did I say it wrong?" She mumbled, hating her fat tongue for it's inability to speak properly.

"No, no." Hizashi waved her off. "I like how you say it. It sounds foreign."

"No, it doesn't." Aizawa Shouta spoke up, interrupting his college form his unintentional harassment. Wavy dark hair framing, sleepless dark eyes. Showing pity for his new college. "You'll get used to it." He continued to Samantha, only slightly reassuring the woman.

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