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A/N: Wow! Chapter 30!!!! And over 500 votes?! Nani! No Sam in this chapter! She's AWOL, she'll be back next chapter!


James stared where Sam vanished in the nondescript black car. "Shit." He turned to face his fiancée, surprise danced across Tim's face as well. "Shit. Shit, shit, shit!" How didn't he see this? How did she-? Sam. Sam was going after Jack. Who the hell gave her that information? "God dammit!"

"Detective! Detective!"

James didn't want to deal with the reporters, now. Plus the Queen looked all too willing to answer any questions. Grey eyes flashed over to Eliza, why was that? "Fuck off." He grunted, he turned back to the direction of the funeral. He needed to retrace Sam's steps. He needed to find her.

"I am certain that Commissioner Anderson will authorize this head hunt led by our dear, Militia."

James swung back around to face the Queen, his mouth dropped open in surprise. Pieces clicked together. Shock settled across his pale face. William. Fall of London. Fred met James' surprise eyes with his own wide eyes. Sam told him what happened and he has read the reports. James never had an issue with the young Queen in the past. Now, he was pissed. "You planned this." He whispered, flabbergasted. "You took advantage of Sam." James said, his voice rising a noticeable fraction.

The Queen's cool blue eyes met his grey gaze and back to the reporter, "Please, excuse me for a moment." She said and slid over to James and Tim. Her bodyguards were a clever blockade against the reporters. "Now, what were you saying? I would be careful with your wording, detective. I wouldn't want you to say such treasonous things to your Queen."

"Eliza, please." Fred spoke, stepping up alongside James and Tim. "Please tell me you didn't."

"What exactly did I do?" She asked, innocently.

James felt a bubbling rage grow and he quickly squashed the anger. As furious as he was, he wasn't an idiot but he did feel somewhat emboldened with the prince backing him rather than his own sister. "You gave Sam, the letter. You knew that she would go after Jack for retribution. Now, you all but sanctioned her man hunt for the Ripper with injuries that are still healing." Stormy grey eyes glared at the regal figure, James couldn't stop the words from spilling from his mouth. No one could. "You signed Sam's death warrant." James spat out.

His best friend could die at the hands of one of the most infamous serial killers known to date because of a petty grudge that wasn't even Sam's fault. No one was at fault. He didn't need his quirk to know that he was right. James could see it written across Eliza's still neutral face. The only break in her facade was a small, victorious twitch on her mouth.

James spun around and marched away, heading to Shimizu Asami's grave marker. Fred stepped in front to run interference and damage control while Tim, Greg and Lily followed behind him. His stomach sank as the distance grew between him and the Queen. Jo was right, he couldn't believe it but Jo was right all along. James always believed that the older heroine was simply, a normal paranoid American. Sam should've left the country, a long time ago. Hell, he might get the hell out of dodge after this mess was over with... And Sam... He needed to find Sam before she killed herself on her righteous path of vengeance. James has to focus. James must find her and stop Sam.

James came to a stop in front of Asami and pulled out his phone. Time to start making some phone calls.


Shouta, Nemuri, and Hizashi were visiting the hospital for Tensei. Shouta was enjoying his fifth cup of coffee in the cafeteria when the news caught his eye. Sam was on TV dressed in black and forest green dress. He recognized a cemetery when he saw one. James Rogers was approaching the heroine, angry and afraid behind the U.A. teacher. Shouta frowned, what was going on?

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