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A/N: YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! OVER 1K FOR VOTES! YOOO! Thank you all for everything! I really love and appreciate it! It means the world to me! My first story to reach this!

Okay! Now... Predictions for Malcolm Moriarty! Go! Will he team up with James? What exactly is James planning? How far will he get with his quirk and allies?


Detective James Rogers sat at his desk, waiting for the bait to trigger and Malcolm Moriarty to stride thorough those glass doors. He had multiple motives to whisk Victoria and her sister away from their extorting mother. One was simply get them away from that situation and two was to lure Malcolm out of the shadows. James felt marginally guilty for using unsuspecting Victoria and putting his coworkers at risk. It was a bet he would have to take. Malcolm Moriarty is a logical man, he had to be in the position he held in the criminal underworld. A consigliere of crime that sold sin to nuns with his silver tongue quirk. His criminal web spread across London and the world. Malcolm Moriarty was what James needed for this case.

James looked over at the sisters and a man dressed in a sharp black three piece suit stepped into his floor. Ruby red eyes fixed on himself, James straightened. Black horns curled lazily from his forehead into his salt and pepper hair. A black whip like tail twirled and curled showing his twisted amusement. "James Rogers. Detective, I've been wanting to meet you for a while, now. Well, to be frank. I don't know if I should be more impressed at your tenacity or your loyalty with approaching me?"

James' grey eyes flickered over the still forms of the guards and police. He never truly realized how much power Malcolm Moriarty held that he has yet seen. Over thirty cops in this floor of the precinct and no one moved a muscle against one of Europe's most wanted criminal mastermind. James turned his gaze up to meet the amused eyes of blood red. "Please, I'd prefer loyalty. Tenacity only works in stupid cartoons."

"C'mon, you're among friends here." Malcolm smiled, snidely and James had a feeling that he wasn't. At least, not yet. "Please, let us talk elsewhere. We have much to discuss." He gestured to the open doors and sauntered through like he owned the entire building. James stood up and looked down at a framed photograph that he kept on his desk. Of him, Tim, Lily, Greg, Sam and Asami. It was a stupid day off. A day that they spent at an arcade which they used far too much money and enjoyed far too much. They were his precious people. James would do anything for them, Sam wasn't safe with that bat shit queen leading the country. James followed him with determination briming in his stormy blue eyes. They already lost Asami and Sam had too many close calls. He wouldn't loose someone else.


Cementoss had gotten to them. That was what Sam thought as she fell. That he had somehow gotten past the rest of the team and he was warping the very building they were standing in with his quirk. Sam twisted her hips to face the ground head on with the monster of a rifle reseated against her shoulder. Fear swooped in her belly as she fell. She took aim and Thirteen had a single moment of 'wait is she really going to do that?' To his credit, he pointed his hand out to her and Sam could feel the pull of the black hole quickening her descent.

A scarf wrapped around her waist, tightly and Sam smiled at Thirteen, squeezing off five rounds that hit center mass. Successfully, knocking the wind out of the rescue hero. Aizawa yanked on the scarf and Sam hit the ground with an oof. Not nearly as painful as it could've been without intervention by either party. Sam threw Aizawa, a grateful smile and the pair sprinted for cover to regroup while the Ectoplasms distracted the other team. "Well, that didn't go to your plan."

Aizawa flashed her a bland, annoyed look. "Well, do you have any ideas?"

"Maybe?" Sam muttered and pursed her lips, the monster rifle settled against her shoulder. "Tag team it? Erase quirks and I go in for the theoretical kill. Cementoss or Thirteen should be first. I wonder what happened with the others." Thirteen would be the easiest with his lack of experience in combat. That just so happened to be where Sam and Shouta thrived in.

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