Training with Rin

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A/N: wanna get an idea about Rin's jeans? Look up Miss Me jeans. That's what she's wearing.


"I think this is favoritism." Sam frowned, standing in the center of a mat in one of U.A.'s many gyms. She stared across the mat to the young, lanky blonde with brilliant, bright blue eyes.

Sam wanted to catch up with Rin, class and the case hasn't given Sam many opportunities to try. So, Sam extended the invitation for coffee. She was using this to spend time with Rin and distract herself from the letter she received two days ago. Thankfully, Rin had accepted. What Sam had not been expecting is that Rin wanted to be tutored.

"Nah." Rin shook her head. "Not at all, you are just helping me like any aunt would."

Sam blushed, a bit at the mention of aunt and being considered an aunt. "Alright." She hummed her agreement. Sam knew that Blood King tutored class 1-B to improve their odds with class 1-A. This would be merely leveling the playing field. Sam's signature long blade formed in her hands, she settled in a familiar stance. Sam stood, watching a compartment on Rin's leg reveal itself to Rin. Rin pulled out a bo staff out of her leg. "Quirks?" Samantha proposed, she was curious on how Rin's quirk had progressed over the years.

"I don't know how I feel about being curb stomped by you." Rin muttered and chewed her lip in contemplation. "Okay." She conceded.

"Alright." Sam smirked. "Come on then."

Rin frowned at Sam's confident smile, doubting her choices but shoved aside her doubts. Rin lunged forward, keeping her blade in her hands. Her form is good, Sam remarked on observation. Jo has instilled good foundation in her. Sturdy foundation that Rin could build upon, later. From what Sam has gathered, many students didn't have the basics down and relied on their quirks rather than talent. Sam sidestepped and swiped at Rin with the flat of her blade as Rin moved to strike the weapon heroine. The Rin let out a squeak as the blade pushed her to the edge of the mat. Sam turned to face Rin with a teasing grin, not in any rush to end this fight if she could even call this that. Sam spun her blade blade with practiced ease.

"I guess it's foolish to use a weapon on a weapon heroine." Rin laughed as she too, started to twirl her staff.

"Not necessarily foolish." Sam corrected with a fond grin. "Depends on how you go about your approach and your skill." Sam's blade forged itself into a new form, she pulled her hands away to reveal a two short scythes connected by a long chain.

Rin still continued with her approach, her staff twirled in her hand. Sam looked offered a supportive smile as Rin chose to stick with her current approach. Sam threw a scythe and ran forward. Rin swatted the scythe away with one end and brought the other to block Sam's other scythe. Rin grunted in effort, trying to keep Sam from overpowering her. Rin broke away, trying to place some distance between Sam and herself to strike another attack.

Rin's eyes glowed, a startling blue, glyphs appeared around her hand and one end of her staff glowed gold. Sam moved as Rin twirled the staff, pointing the glowing end at Sam. She didn't want to chance that. Sam threw one of the scythes, the chain wrapped around the end of Rin's staff. Sam yanked and the staff was ripped out of Rin's hand.

Rin gasped as the metal burned her hand at the friction as it was thrown away, she stared as the staff skidded to the far end of the gym. The chain scythe was pulled back to Sam's hand. The burgundy haired woman stood, waiting. Rin dropped to the ground, a hand placed itself on the mat and symbols formed themselves on the blue mat. They formed a white circle around Rin, more intricate glyphs formed after the circle was complete. Too slow, Sam chided. You must be quicker than that, Rin. Sam lunged forward with a sharp, predatory gleam in her burgundy gaze.

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