Bad Sasha! Loud Class 1-A!

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A/N: what do you think the letter contains? Also, how do you like Rin? Also, what Hogwarts and Illvermorny house do you think everyone belongs in? Y'all might not have a good enough idea to know their houses but I wanna see what y'all think now and I'll ask again later to see if your ideas change. I know Rin's for sure but I'm torn with Sam. What's your houses? I'm a Slytherin and Thunderbird! Anyone get the puns in Benjamin Strange's name and hero name?

Also, also, Jo and Ben are 35ish. Five years older than Shouta and Hizashi but nine years older than Sam.


"Sasha!" Sam cursed, the back of her head throbbed after she slammed into the pavement. Her hand burned after skin had been scrapped off by concrete as she tried to catch herself. Sam glowered at the frozen cream and coffee drink that spilled all over her dress. Sam focused on the leather leash that Sasha snapped with her power alone. "Damnit, Dog." Sam growled, tossing the leather away. She forced herself to her feet and gave chase after the husky. Her head throbbed more as she ran but hell, she was still new in this city. This country. Sam couldn't loose Sasha, now or else she would never find her again.

Sam tore after the cream and white husky. "Sasha! No!" She cried. Sam watched the husky take a running leap at the figure she vaguely recognized when she stood out side of the coffee shop. Sasha launched off the ground and slammed into the man dressed in black. The man and dog sprawled out on the ground, Sasha was showering the man with a friendly, slobbery tongue. Oh, shit. "Sasha! Bad Sasha!" Sam scolded, She grabbed Sasha by her caller and dragged her away from Sasha's victim. Sasha moved to pounce once more but Sam held fast to her dog.

"I am so sorry for Sasha. She can get a little too enthusiastic, sometimes." Sam breathed out and looked down. Oh, shit. Sasha had tackled Aizawa Shouta. Fuck me. "I'm so sorry, Shouta." Sam said, quickly and reached down to help the man up.

"That's alright." Shouta muttered and winced but took the offered help from Sam. Several laughs echoed around the pair, followed by a second. Sasha moved to pounce again, Sam dragged her dog behind her. Sam was desperately trying to ignore the wet, insistent nose pressed onto her bare leg. Sam bit back the cringe of snot and slobber. Samantha had put her body as a shield between Sasha and Shouta. "There's a reason I don't like canines." He grumbled, looking down on the ecstatic Sasha. Sam straightened as best she could while she still had a tight hold on Sasha.

"She was just happy to recognize someone. Sasha's used to knowing everyone." Sam defended, coolly. Hostility and her defensive nature pricked at Sam's spine. Shouta raised an eyebrow and glanced down to her soggy dress. Sam settled to glare at the dark haired man. "She's not used to this city yet."

"Shouta got tackled by a mutt?" A booming voice laughed.

Sam recognized that voice, she spun to the flamboyant source and glowered at the blonde man. "Sasha is not a mutt, asshat." Sam growled, defending her dog. She glared at the gravity defying, blonde hair clad in leather jacket followed by another man with blue hair and an odd, arrow shaped set of eyebrows. "Fuck, my hands." Sam grumbled, rubbing her hands on her legs as she tried to rid herself of the asphalt on her burning hands.

"Sorry, sorry!" Hizashi laughed, watching Shouta dust himself off and Sam trying to free herself from the asphalt while still holding Sasha. "What's up, Sammy?!"

Sam glowered, "Wet and sticky."

"Oh, heh." Hizashi rubbed his head in embarrassment, looking down at Sam's soggy, white dress. "Sorry."

"Hi." The blue haired man greeted with a warm, charming smile. He extended his hand for Sam to grasp. "I'm Iida Tensei." He introduced. Aw, he is so cute! Sam thought when he smiled. She liked the bright glint in his blue eyes and the warming, welcoming smile on his tanned, chiseled face. Oh, no. I'm doomed.

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