The Sports Festival

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Sam sighed as she settled next to Aizawa at the table over looking the arena. She frowned at the microphones, this would be fun. "He dragged you into this too, huh?" He asked.

"Well, he saved me from Armada. So fair is fair." Sam hummed back. "Plus, I have to admit that this does have the best seat in the house."

"Here you go!" Hizashi presented Sam with a frappe.

"Thank you." Sam grinned up to him as she took a sip of pure bliss of caffeine, "Coffee makes the world go round."

"Doesn't it?" Shouta agreed through his bandages, taking the black coffee from Hizashi. "Should you even be commentating? Wouldn't you be biased for your nieces?"

As bad as Sam felt for his wounds, she had to bite back a snort at how ridiculous he looked. She was already on the highway to Hell, might as well enjoy the journey. A small smirk graced her lips. Damn, her jaw was still sore from USJ. "Maybe that's true that I am biased, but I could also make the argument that I would be more harsh on them because they're my family. Hm?"


Sam turned her attention down to Midnight as she explained to the students what they would be doing. A race around the arena with obstacles, a certain number of students that come in first would move on. "Kinda plain, ain't it?" She mused. Sam blinked in surprise as she heard the disgruntled murmurings of the audience. They were on air now, then. Damn it. "Just a relay?"

"What did you go through in your hero training, Sammy?" Hizashi asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I was stranded in the wilderness for three weeks to survive on my own." Sam murmured.

"Well, that's not so bad with your weapon quirk." Hizashi rebutted, eagerly in to his mic. "Now-!"

"I was also evading two special operations teams of the crown with several pro heroes working alongside them." Sam added, watching the students and Midnight. "Good survival training and evasion tactics. Russia is colder than Satan's left nipple." Hizashi and Shouta peered over to the burgundy haired woman. What kind of childhood did she have? They both wondered about their colleague as she stared out of the commentator's booth.

Sam kept her gaze to the students as they lined up to to the start, "The first obstacle, huh?" She mused watching the mass of students pressing themselves around the smaller entrance.

"The doorway." Shouta agreed.

Midnight sounded the horn and the students were off. Sam lost sight on Ron's blonde head in the mob or blue and white. Sam's gaze flickered to the video screen. The view was on the outside of the arena and Rin clearly teleported outside and used her staff to push herself into the air as Todoroki froze the side of the arena and the ground surrounding the the exit.Sam's gaze widened to see the shear scale of the quirk and that was only half. "Woah." Sam has to bite back a laugh as Rin landed on her butt due to slippery ice. Rin recovered quickly and gave chase after four others from her home room, leaving all of the other students to deal with being frozen to the ground.

"Only class 1-A is taking the lead so far." Sam remarked.


"No comment." Sam answered Hizashi as soon as the next obstacle came into the camera and the students. One smashed into the side of the littlest student of 1-A, sending the boy flying. "I retract my previous comment, this relay does look promising. These are from the entrance exams, yeah?"

"They sure are! Robot Inferno!" As Hizashi continued to explain the next obstacle, Sam leaned forward To get a better look and winced, wasn't healed enough to bend that way. She leaned back into the plush rolling chair and focused on the screen.

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