The Road to Recovery

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Aizawa Shouta glanced over to the burgundy haired woman, sleeping soundlessly in the bed next to him. Deep purple bruises littered her normally pale, smooth face. He could spot the large leg cast through the white sheets. Shouta would frown but the effort would be too much, right now. This woman had fought the Nomu before him and Samantha held it off and had severely wounded the creature when he could barely stand against the creature. Even that he was beaten, easily. She suffered from the fight to keep the thing at bay from him and his students. She was something else. Shouta couldn't decide whether Samantha was foolishly stupid or extremely brave. Whatever Shouta chose to think of her, she had his respect.

The door of the Nurse's office creaked open. Shouta turned his head to see who entered. Two men walked in with a rich brown overcoats over dark blue suits. He recognized the tall, dark figure as James and the short man wearing glasses as Tim. James recognized Shouta under all of his bandages and sent a small nod to the teacher as he moved to his best friend's side. Shouta took that to be courtesy of his deduction quirk. "Sam's still asleep?" James asked him, looking over to Samantha with concern.

"She fell asleep about an hour ago." Shouta answered, stiffly.

"How are you doing?" Tim asked, sympathy flashing in his gaze.

"Better than Samantha." Shouta mumbled back.

"That much is right, where were you?" James asked, crossly. He turned away from his sleeping friend to glower at Shouta with a bright anger lingering in his stormy grey gaze. "Where were you when that thing snapped her leg like a twig? When it squeezed her until she screamed?"

'He's seen the security recordings.' Shouta thought, darkly. Nezu showed Shouta when he had requested to know what happened to his comatose roommate. He glanced back over to Sam, she was stronger than she appeared to be.

"James." Tim chided his fiancée, sharply. "Sam is Sam. This is what Sam does, what she has always done. We both know this. Aizawa does not. There is no one to blame here, not even Sam. You should know better than anyone with your quirk."

James pursed his lips at Tim but didn't care to respond, knowing that he was wrong and Tim was correct.

"We'll leave and let you rest too. I'll tell Jess to let us know when Sam is well enough to teleport to her apartment. I hope you get well, soon. Sasha must be going up the walls, let's go." Tim smiled at Aizawa and turned to James who was glaring at the cast on Samantha's leg. "James Rogers."

James seemed to snap out of his daze and nodded, dutifully at his fiancée. Tim pulled James out of the room by his hand as if he were a child. Shouta stared after the couple with aspiration. Tim seemed to be the clam and more level headed partner. While James had the fire that he and Sam shared. the warmth to protect and the heat to defend. The pair were right, Samantha was ready lay her own life down for him and his students and she barely knew them. Shouta looked back over to the serene burgundy haired woman and his lips quirked ever so slightly up in amusement. Samantha was foolishly stupid and the self sacrificing idiot... She would fit right in with the other teachers. Shouta decided with the smallest hint of a smile.


Samantha was brought home to her bed via Tim's portal. Sam eased herself out of the Stuff hospital gown and into a nightgown, she winced at ever movement as her body protested her. and James tucked her in with a fond, smug grin that he is taking care of her when it was normally her and Tim taking care of him. She was left to rest or channel surf. Sasha wandered in behind Tim and settled herself by Sam's side with a small whine. Sasha rested her head on her lap, stared up at Sam with big startling blue eyes. Tim wandered down to the kitchen and started cooking bulk dinners for Sam to freeze and heat up, so she didn't have to try to cook with her leg and injures.

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