London's One Woman Army

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A/N: If you like My Hero Academia and like this story, you should check out another one of my stories. Another My Hero Academia fanfic called 'Stay Gold' about two twin sisters in Class 1-A! One that might crossover with this story, I haven't decided yet but probably yes. Oh, and a memory arc. I think I'll do one of these every time that Sam passes out, bless her heart! This one will be about how she got the title of London's one woman army. This might last five or six chapters, I'm stressing the word 'might'. It might be more or less but if this arc follows how I'm envisioning it'll go, this will tie in Stay Gold if I choose that route. If I do I won't have them too much involved with each other but just occurring within the same universe. Like NCIS:LA, NCIS:NO and NCIS. Tell me what you think about it? XD
I'm also using this arc to iron out details on where I want to go with the story, I have a rough idea. I just want to get a solid game plan! Just a side note! I hope you enjoy! 😊

PS: I love Sam's quirk. Weaponry! The possibilities are endless, vast and incredible. I get a strong Erza from Fairytail vibe from Sam. I feel like they would get along, fantastically if they ever met. I feel like if I was in the My Hero Academia universe, I would want Sam's quirk or Rin's quirk of magic creation (Stay Gold), Hell, even James' quirk of deduction would be fantastic and you could do so much with it. What quirk would you want? And what would you do with it? Tell me in the comments.


Name: Samantha Elizabeth Pond
Alias: Militia, London's one woman army, the Queen's blackened knight
Birthday: December 1st
Age: 26
Gender: female
Height: 5'5"
Hair Color: Burgundy
Eye Color: Burgundy
Blood Type: O-
Quirk: Weaponry
Status: Alive
Birthplace: Unknown
Occupation: Pro Hero, Teacher, Consultant
Affiliation: U.A. High School, London's monarchy and government
6/5 S
4/5 B
5/5 A
5/5 A
3/5 C


Sam panted after she hit the ground for the umpteenth time that day. "Enough." She heaved out, glaring at the mat. She was trying to quell her growing fury. Her muscles screamed at her to rest and her head throbbed in pain after being smacked around all day. Deep burgundy locks plastered across her forehead to her scalp and nape. "I'm too tired." And soggy, Sam added silently. Her clothes clung to her form, weighing her down. Every time she took a step, her shoe would squish with sodden material. Shimizu Asami however was bone dry.

"Again." Asami barked, her oceanic eyes glinted with what Sam could only describe as sadistic intent. "One more go, this time really mean it."

Sam pushed the fury down and a short sword formed in her hands. "Damnit!" She shouted, forcing her legs under her as she launched herself at Asami. She moved and swung her free hand as a shield formed and met a torrid blast of water. The water stung her skin, moving with the speed of a bullet. Sam gritted her teeth as the wave pushed her back. Asami said that she couldn't use anything lethal but she had to aim to kill if she wanted to beat Asami. The onslaught wouldn't end and Sam knew that Asami was approaching by the increased force of the water blast.

Sam tried every non lethal weapon she could thing of. Her eye caught a particularly bulky rifle and an idea popped into her head, she grinned. That will hopefully work. She banished her short sword and with great reluctance her shield as well. Sam shot across the room, hit the gym's wall with a groan. "That was so stupid." She heard Asami scolded, cutting off her assault. "Getting yourself killed? That was your plan?" Asami stopped short, staring down the barrel of a drum fed Thompson.

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